
An Evening of Art and Star Gazing

Some pupils in Years 7-9 enjoyed a wonderful evening in central Athens on Friday. First, they visited ‘Van Gogh Alive – The Experience’ at Megaro Mousikis. This is no ordinary art exhibition; our pupils found themselves interacting with art in ways they never imagined. From start to finish they were surrounded by a powerful and vibrant symphony of light, colour and sound that brought Van Gogh’s masterpieces to life as they walked right into the paintings. The exhibition provided an unforgettable multi-sensory experience!

From Megaro Mousikis the pupils headed to the National Observatory of Athens, on the Hill of the Nymphs overlooking the Parthenon and the lights of the city. Inside the beautiful Sinas building pupils learnt how this site has been used for astronomical observations since the 5th century BC. Pupils had the opportunity to examine the first optical telescopes of Greece, including the original telescope used by Juilius Schmidt to draw the most accurate map of the moon during that period as well as the meridian refracting telescope, which was used up until 1964 to measure the transit times of stars across the local Athens meridian to calculate the official time of Greece. However, the highlight of the observatory tour for the pupils was when they got to use the 5m Doridis telescope to observe a star 25 light years away.


Volleyball Victory!

On Monday 6th November our school hosted the over 16 girls volleyball tournament. Six schools participated and St Lawrence College took 1st place, winning all games 2-0.

Our amazing team didn’t lose a single set and beat ACS in the final 2-0. Our captain, Raphaella Lepenioti, led the team in this triumph with an outstanding performance !

Amazing work!


28th October is Remembered

In an annual tradition of remembering the sacrifices and courage of those before us, St Lawrence College had a number of memorable events to mark the national day of remembrance in Greece - 28th October.

Under the guidance of Ms Tsirigoti and the Greek department, the children of Years 5 and 6 in the Junior School performed a beautiful piece which saw them show empathy and understanding of the great hardship and suffering that the people of Greece endured during the harsh war years. 

Over in the senior school, the national day was celebrated with a play presented by pupils of Years 8-11, members of the Greek Drama Club. The play was a dramatized adaptation of the second part of the Alki Zei’s novel Petros’ War on the topic of the Nazi Occupation in Greece and the changes in people’s lives. At the same time, a PowerPoint presentation showed images, audio and video extracts from that time.

Very well done to the children and staff who gave us every reason to feel proud of their heartfelt performance.


Zoom Zoom Jumicar!

On Monday 23rd October Ms Treharne's and Ms Katsamba's Reception  classes went on a fun outing to Jumicar in Nea Makri, Attiki. The children had loads of fun learning all about a most essential life skill - road safety. They practised their knowledge of the ‘law-abiding’ highway code whilst riding mini battery-powered cars. Great fun!

They also got to enjoy a short mini-train ride and they observed a police dog following instructions from his trainer. To finish off and expend some of their energy, they all had fun on the bouncy castle and slide too. The teachers ended up taking back to school a weary but happy bunch of little ones. What a super day out that was!


Autumn Festival 2017

It barely felt like the end of summer, let alone autumn, on the warm evening of Friday 20th October 2017 when the St Lawrence community put on its biggest bash of the year. Wizards, witches, ghosts and skeletons filled the school grounds and the smell of sizzling souvlaki enticed everyone to eat, drink and be merry! 

The night was the finale to a two-day celebration in the junior school which saw the return of the classic Spook House created to shock and thrill the children in traditional Halloween style! In addition to the treats, food and drink on offer, there were of course the fantastic pumpkins on display; they seem to get more creative and ambitious in design every year! 

The senior school also used the opportunity to support the charity Khora which helps refugees here in Athens, and the school council gave children the opportunity to throw wet sponges at some of the senior school pupils, all for a good cause!

When the pumpkin class prizes had been awarded and the music was finally turned off, the party came to an end, but what a success it was! Here's to next year!


St Lawrence Teams Battle it Out

On Tuesday 17th September, St Lawrence College participated in the over-16 girls football and boys volleyball tournaments, held at ACS Athens. Six international schools of Athens participated in total. A a few hard-fought games, our girls team took 3rd place while our boys team lost in the semifinal and took 4th place. Well done to all involved for their hard work and determination. 


Bringing Topic Work to Life!

On Tuesday, 17th October 2017, Year 4 children and their teachers visited the beautiful coastal park near Vravona, Attikis.To enhance their learning of the Geography syllabus, they took a leisurely stroll along the mudflats towards the estuary, studied the features of the area and its wildlife, and saw firsthand how the water cycle works.

They also visited the extraordinary, ancient ruins at the Temple of Artemis, exploring the site and learning about its history. Later, the children were given a guided tour of the Museum there, and were able to view many artefacts which had been found both on site and in the surrounding area.

It was an enjoyable and rewarding day for all.


Ecology in Zakynthos

Between October 12th-14th the Upper 6th A-level Biology pupils went to Zakynthos for a Ecology field trip to conduct core practical investigations. The pupils investigated species abundance and diversity in recently burnt forested areas (thus enriching their knowledge of secondary succession), studied primary succession by analysing variation in plant species across sand dunes on Kalamaki beach, and conducted a detailed study of the effect of abiotic factors on species diversity at Dafni beach. These studies were complemented by a lecture from a sand dune specialist and an on-site, turtle-nest excavation by conservationist specialists. It was a rewarding and highly enjoyable trip.








英国中学部的教育制度指7年级到13年级。7-9年级的学生需要学习11个科目(也称为关键阶段3)。其中包括英语、数学、科学、地理、历史、计算机、希腊语、艺术与设计、音乐、体育和一门第三语言(从汉语,法语 和 西班牙语中挑选)。


当学生进入12年级和13年级(关键阶段5)时,他们可以从14个科目中选择3个或4个学科深入学习,并参加A Level考试。这些考试有一部分是在12年级的年底举行,另一些是在13年级的年底举行,就是进入英国大学的高考。我们圣劳伦斯学院的毕业生80% 都选择进入英国的大学。如果希望进入美国大学的学生则可以在12年级之后申请。无论孩子们决定跟随什么课程,无论他们希望进入哪所大学,我们都有专门的专家在整个过程中为学生和家长提供指导。



We Love A Healthy Lifestyle!

On Tuesday, 10th October, 2017, our Year 3 children visited Pedopolis where they took a close look at a subject very close to their hearts in more ways than one - Healthy Eating. They participated in numerous hands-on activities related to their science unit under study this term.

The children really enjoyed making themselves a colourful place mat which illustrated all five different food groups. Then, they followed instructions to prepare a delicious healthy smoothie! Eating it afterwards was even more of a treat! 

The children also listened to a guest speaker, Mr Bill Kokkalis, an Australian trained physiotherapist who taught them about the importance of exercise in their daily life and the many benefits it offers to their body and mind. When asked if the children preferred an active 'Kangaroo Lifestyle' or an inactive 'Koala Lifestyle', we were extremely happy that they happily chose the kangaroo over the koala! A great day overall!


Model United Nations

Eight pupils of our school will take part in the 5th Campion School – Model United Nations which is to be held on Saturday 7th October and Sunday 8th October 2017 at Campion School.

In this innovative simulation of the United Nations, delegates will have the opportunity to discuss matters of international importance, enhance their understanding of UN-committee procedures and simultaneously prepare themselves for MUN conferences designed for students at the secondary level of their education.


Debate Success

Another year of debating began with Joanna Sakkadas and Markella Papadopoulos winning the novice category at the St. Catherine's Debate Competition on Saturday. Ioanna Moirasgenti and Andreas Hagis also made the novice final, whilst in the senior category, Lucas Petropoulos and Emily Holden both ranked in the top 10 speakers.

A great event, well done to all involved!


Field Trip Fun in the Sun

On Wednesday, 27th September 2017, Year 6 went on a Geography trip to study the physical and human features of a coastal environment in detail. This field work was undertaken as a practical element of the work being done this term. The beach at Aghia Marina was their case study and the visit was enjoyed immensely by the children, as they examined the coast and all its interesting features up close. 

"It was like going to the beach, but more fun," commented one of the pupils with a grin. Learning is more fun than a trip to the beach - now that's what we like to hear!


28th October- Oxi Day Celebration

On Friday 27th October, at 11:30 am in the Cultural Hall, the Junior School’s Year 6 pupils will commemorate the 28th October 1940 anniversary of OXI Day by presenting a performance based on Alki Zei’s book ‘Petros’ War’ («Ο μεγάλος περίπατος του Πέτρου»), about a young boy's life in occupied Athens during the Second World War.
