Home Learning

Here at SLC Junior School, we ensure that home learning is given to each child as and when they need it in order to reinforce the learning that they have done in school. 

In Reception and KS1, we emphasise the importance of learning together and sharing the experience.  We ask that you and your child participate together in a set of essential, regular tasks that are set by your child’s teacher. These are tasks such as reading together, practising flash cards or sharing a numeracy worksheet. 

In KS2, we view home learning as an opportunity for further development of responsibility for learning. The quality of homework is more important than quantity, therefore we will only assign your child the home learning tasks they need in order to consolidate a concept or skill taught at school. This may be a written task, a project, or studying for an upcoming assessment. We assign specific daily tasks on Spelling Shed and DoodleMaths/DoodleTables to embed key skills needed at this stage.

We believe that relevant home learning tasks complement and reinforce classroom learning, foster good lifelong learning and study habits, as well as help to strengthen the link between home and school.
