English as an Additional Language (EAL) - Senior School
The EAL is a language support department for new pupils from all over the world, whose English needs to be brought up to the level required to follow classes in our British curriculum successfully. It offers a safe, nurturing, multinational environment that helps newcomers settle into the school programme and improve their English, so that they are adequately equipped to follow regular classes whatever their year group. The EAL department caters for pupils with English of any level from beginners to intermediate.
Depending on their level of English, new pupils start by spending up to 26 periods a week following an intensive English language course, which covers all skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking. These periods are gradually reduced and replaced by different subjects that are added to the pupil’s timetable as their level of English improves.
...offers a safe, nurturing, multinational environment...
As a basis for the intensive course, we use a well-tested course book, which is supplemented by extra vocabulary, grammar, speaking and discussion and other language-learning activities – anything goes, really, as long as it helps improve everyone’s English!
The department also has a lending library of graded readers, whose aim is to aid acquisition of language outside of school in an enjoyable way. Support in other subjects, such as History, Geography and Science, is also provided, especially in terms of vocabulary.
The EAL Department plays an important pastoral role, as its teachers are in a position to oversee the pupils’ progress in all areas and intervene when necessary, to ensure that every pupil is being encouraged, rather than discouraged, by the level of challenge they are exposed to.
The EAL department can also offer continued support in the form of “Extra English” whenever an additional language (French / Spanish / Chinese) is deemed an excessive demand for a pupil still trying to master English.