Pastoral Care

Junior school

At St. Lawrence College Junior School, the welfare of our pupils is paramount, mainly but not solely, because we firmly believe that successful learning takes place when a child is emotionally settled and enjoys attending school. Providing a safe and secure environment which helps instil confidence and promotes happiness in our pupils is a key priority for us.

Class teachers have immediate responsibility for the pastoral care of their pupils, supported by the Heads of EYs, KS1 and KS2. They are the first point of contact for both pupils and parents, should any pastoral issues arise.

...their concerns are acknowledged by experienced and sympathetic teachers ready to support them.

Through our teaching of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) topics, we help cultivate in our pupils the kind of qualities that cannot be defined by or limited to academic success: interpersonal skills, leadership potential, self-awareness and mental and physical resilience.

Circle time in the EYs and Junior School classes opens many channels for children to discuss issues while developing these vital qualities. Such personal skills are encouraged and developed through all aspects of school life.

Pupils in both KS1 and KS2 attend assemblies which focus on a variety of issues; they reinforce and expand on PSHE topics such as environmental consciousness, healthy eating, friendship, bullying, resilience and growth mindsets. Along with presentations from outside speakers, extracurricular activities and fundraising events for charity, pupils are provided with ample opportunity to let their confidence and personalities flourish in a safe and secure environment.


Senior school

All year groups are divided into form classes and a form teacher is responsible for delivering the pastoral care for pupils in their respective form class. The form teacher’s role is to always have an overview of every individual pupil’s progress in all areas. Form teachers should always be a parent’s first point of contact with the school, when the parent has any concern or enquiry about the well-being of their child.

An Assistant Head is assigned to each of Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9), Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) and Key Stage 5 (Years 12-13). The Assistant Head works closely with the form teachers to address the well-being of all pupils under their care and to ensure that the pupils’ needs and concerns are anticipated and dealt with appropriately. It is thus that effective learning can take place in an environment that feels safe, happy and motivating for every child. Assistant Heads are in frequent contact with parents as strong, regular communication between home and school is essential to provide great pastoral care.

The Deputy Head (Pastoral) leads the senior school’s pastoral care provision and liaises closely with Assistant Heads and form teachers as well as with parents and pupils. Along with the Assistant Heads, it is the Deputy Head (Pastoral) who works closely with the academic side of the school to ensure that subject teachers are informed about and aware of matters influencing a child’s readiness to learn at any given time.

Pastoral care is not just about reacting to issues. The pastoral care team proactively deliver information in order to equip pupils and prevent the emergence of problems that could cause them undue distress. This is done in a variety of ways, including year group discussions, wall displays, assemblies and invitations for external speakers to address pupils on relevant topics.

Through this network of pastoral care provision, the senior school has created and will strive to maintain an environment where pupils can learn successfully, knowing that their concerns are acknowledged by experienced and sympathetic teachers ready to support them.

Whole School

Our School Counsellor, a fully qualified professional, is available to support pupils as far as possible in any issues or concerns they may have at any given time. Children are allowed to make their own choices and decisions regarding counselling, and involving parents in counselling, provided this is consistent with their best interests.

The school has two full-time, experienced nurses who are well-equipped to deal with any medical emergency which may arise. The nurses also work with pupils, teachers and parents to promote good health and well-being in all children in the school.
