
KS3 trip to Megaro Mousikis

Key Stage 3 trip to the theatre at Megaro Mousikis in Athens. Almost 50 pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 will have the opportunity to watch ‘Shadowland’ performed by the New York Pilobulus Theatre Company. The show will commence at 5pm and last about 1 hour and 30 minutes.The pupils will leave school at the end of the day (3:30pm) and return to Ag. Konstantinos Square Glyfada (outside the Public store) at approximately 7:30pm.


Year 7 visit to the Acropolis

Year 7 Multi curricular visit to The Acropolis and The Acropolis Museum. The pupils will have a guided tour of The Parthenon and enjoy wonderful views whilst learning about the history of the ancient city we live in.


Year 7 Attica Zoo visit

Year 7 will enjoy a visit to Attica Zoo at Spata as part of the Science Curriculum completing a variety of written tasks to help them better understand the mammals, reptiles and birds on show at the zoo. The pupils leave school at 9am and will return at the beginning of lunch break.


Career Morning

We will be holding the first of this year’s careers mornings for KS4 & 5 (Years 10 – 13) on Monday morning 8: 50am – 10:10 am. The visiting speakers are our ex-pupil Kareen Naiman (nee Kareen Pong) a charity worker, Mr Andreas Persidis who founded a biotech company and  Mr Stavros Halkias who runs a games company. 


Disco Fever Strikes Again!

The pupils of years 4, 5 & 6 were burning up a serious fever, DISCO fever nonetheless, on Friday 24th November 2017. They had a blast, it has to be said! The dancing was frenetic, and when THE HAT was placed on their heads, boy did they go for it! They were searching out the spotlight to show off their talent and enthusiasm for getting down to the music. 

Of course as usual, the pizza, juices and litres of water were consumed with as much gusto as the music, so all in all it was undeniably a success. Well done to all the children and teachers who participated so enthusiastically and kicked off the weekend to a roaring start!


Giving thanks for all we have

In the true spirit of Thanksgiving, the children in Early Years had a wonderful celebratory feast on Thursday 23rd November 2017 to mark this special holiday. They learned all about the pilgrims, the Mayflower, and they even donned bonnets and hats in the traditional style. 

When asked about why it was important to share their food around a big table, one happy little voice piped up, "We want to give food to our friends like this!" Yes indeed, sharing with friends is very important. And fun too by the looks of it!


Visitors welcome!

On Wednesday 22nd November 2017 Year 4 had a special visitor, Mrs Navarro, who came to talk to them about her specialist subject, the Maya civilisation. This was a valuable visit to enhance the children's understanding of a topic studied in History.

Teachers and pupils were fascinated by her interesting and insightful presentation which made clear her in-depth knowledge of this subject. Everyone found it both informative and enjoyable, a fact that was reflected in the many questions put to her. The children's curiosity was piqued, and she taught them many amazing facts about this great civilisation.

Many thanks to Ms Navarro!


Little Tots in the Countryside

On Monday 20th November the Foundation Stage One & Two classes donned their wellington boots and visited the Cultural Park in Keratea to participate in an educational programme called 'At the Olive Press'.

The children travelled around the muddy olive groves on the wooden train which excited them greatly. 'This is the best place, EVER!' three-year-old Rasha exclaimed as they trundled around the farm.

The children worked as a team to collect olives and take them to the olive press where they witnessed the process of pressing the olives and observed the olive oil running into traditional ceramic pots.They learned how olive oil could be used to make soap and watched how olives are produced for eating at the table. 

The children made olive bread which was baked in a wood-fired oven. What a lovely trip to the countryside!


Walk like an Egyptian!

On Wednesday 15th November 2017, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit an Egyptian exhibit at the Archaeological Museum in the centre of Athens. Led by a tour guide with plenty of expertise in this area, they experienced first-hand, hundreds of artifacts from Ancient Egyptian times. 

The highlight of the trip was the amazement of the students when they saw a sarcophagus with a real mummy still inside! Their imaginations ran wild, I can tell you, and they were fascinated! Let's just be thankful it didn't wake up! 


Discovering History

On Wednesday 15th November 2017, Year 5 pupils who follow Ancient Greek History this year visited the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. They toured the Prehistoric Collections  of the Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean eras. They followed an educational programme on the main characteristics of these civilisations in Greece focusing on architecture, weaponry, pottery, sculpture, wall-paintings, jewellery and burial customs. The visit was concluded with a view of artefacts from the Geometric and Archaic periods. 

The children appreciated the opportunity to take their learning out of the classroom where they could see first hand, real artefacts from the past. A worthwhile visit indeed!


Key Stage 3 trip to Shadowland

49 pupils, from Years 7,8 and 9, will enjoy an after school trip on Friday, 15th December at Megaro Mousikis in Athens. They will have the opportunity to see "Shadowland" performed by the New York Pilobolus theatre company. The show will commence at 5pm and will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

It combines multimedia, projected shadow play and front of screen choreography. This is the first shadow theatre event of its kind to tour the globe and it has already been watched by more than a million people in 32 countries. Indeed, before Pilobolus come to Athens it will be in Argentina and then is off to China. 


Geography Head to Mt. Parnassos

Year 10 Geography pupils went to Viotia, in central Greece, for a two day trip last week to gather data for their IGCSE coursework. On Mt. Parnassos they investigated the impact skiing is having on the soil and vegetation. In the stunning town of Arachova they evaluated the effect of tourism on the environment by conducting litter, traffic and environmental quality surveys. They interviewed locals to ask them about whether the town has changed economically and socially/culturally due to it being a tourist honeypot.

After gathering information for their projects, the pupils then enjoyed a guided tour of the ancient Delphi site and the museum. Moreover, they spent an afternoon by the sea in beautiful Galaxidi. All the pupils were enthusiastic about having the opportunity to do their tourism research in the field. As well as learning, much fun was had by all!


35th Anniversary Athens Marathon

More than 51,000 runners, from some 100 countries, took part in the Athens Marathon races this weekend and St. Lawrence College was represented as always! We had an enthusiastic group of teachers and pupils taking part in the 5km and 10km races. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the sporting events and the atmosphere throughout the city centre was electric. Finishing in the Panathinaikon Stadium was a truly memorable experience for all involved. Next year we are hoping to enter an even bigger team….so great training if you're interested!  
