
Bakers at Work

Children in Year 4 have been learning about where our food comes from in Geography this term. They have thought about how different ingredients are exported and around the world to fulfill our needs.

On Monday, 13th June, 2016, Year 4 pupils visited the Karamolengos bread factory in Koropi. They learned about the different ingredients needed to make bread and where these ingredients come from.  Later on, they enjoyed a guided tour of the bread factory where they looked closely at the different stages of bread-making. Did you know that 6000 loaves of bread are made in one hour in this factory which never turns its ovens off at all? Can you guess how many loaves of bread are made in 24 hours?


After the visit to the bread factory, the children enjoyed a lovely afternoon at Varkiza Park by the sea, where they had a picnic lunch before heading back to school and enjoying a cool and delicious ice-cream. What a treat of a day that was for the last week before summer!


We Came as Strangers, We Leave as Friends!

On Friday 10th June, 2016, Ms Rickard's Year 6 class performed the Leavers' assembly for this academic year. In their show, called St Lawrence Has Got Talent, they took a very positive look back over their time in Junior School with an entertaining collection of tasks to carry out. With a humorous air, they took their turns to perform sketches as reality show contestants, teachers and TV presenters in a raucous competition that they tried to win in order to be rewarded with a pass to Senior School! They put on a show of poetry recital, piano-playing, drama, rapping and singing. A  super finale was their rhythmic performance of the well-known Cup Song taken from a well-known film, Pitch Perfect. Super!

Of course, the pupils were so successful at all their tasks they were all declared winners in the end! And winners they certainly are! We wish all our Year 6 pupils the very best of luck next year at St Lawrence Senior School or wherever they may find themselves! 
"We will miss them when they're gone!" declared Ms Rickard.


Follow the Yellow Brick Road

The Junior Drama Club, along with help from several members of the Senior Drama Club, waltzed down the yellow brick road under the direction of Ms L. McMullin on Wednesday the 1st June 2016 for a memorable performance of The Wizard of Oz. The play opened with ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow,’ against a cheerful, shimmering backdrop with characters of the Wizard of Oz from the Senior Drama Club introducing Frank Baum’s famous work to an appreciative audience.


In search of a heart, brain and courage, the Junior School actors who played the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Lion inspired their audience with song and dance. Munchkins were supervised by their Queen and fairy and made sure the story’s star Dorothy and her friends escaped from the Wicked Witch of the West, whose laughter sent chills down our spines! Along with the Wicked Witch, her sleek, hissing cats did everything possible to stop the intrepid group reaching their goal.


The journey to the Emerald City was filled with adventure that saw characters fall under the witch’s spell to become a buzzing bee or even just a shadow! The Wizard of Oz himself, oblivious to it all, stood in great splendour between the Mayor and the Barrister. The incredible Guest Relations Officer kept constant watch as the scene gradually unfolded. The tale’s message was clear: in facing the shadows within us, we overcome our fears and move forward beyond our dreams and imagination! Even the witch was transformed, as she gazed at the sky, longing to move beyond the rainbow.


Special thanks go out to all who made the play a success and through their help ensured that once again, St Lawrence Drama Club reached such a high standard.


Practice Like You’ve Never Won Before; Perform Like You’ve Never Lost!

And that's what each and every one of the dedicated members of the Senior School Forensics Society is aiming to accomplish in these busy weeks leading up to the 2016 Panhellenic Forensics Association Tournament at Ziridis School in Spata, Attiki. From Thursday March 17th through to Sunday March 20th, 2016, pupils from St Lawrence College will be competing against their peers from all over Greece in a range of speaking events including Debate, Duet Acting, Impromptu Speaking, Group Discussion, Oral Interpretation and Oratory.

Every Saturday this term you will find the staff and pupils involved, at school practically from dawn till dusk! They're writing their pieces, practising them relentlessly, learning their lines and getting ready to deliver them with all the aplomb they can muster. St Lawrence College has an excellent record of achievement at this annual tournament, coming second overall last year and winning Debate too. There's a lot to live up to this year, but we're sure the talented young people who make up this year's team will give it their all and do us proud. Go St Lawrence College!


A Tribute to William Shakespeare

Twenty Senior Drama Club pupils of St. Lawrence College paid homage on Friday 19th February to the great Bard of Avon who died in 1616. The stage became their world as they enacted “The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”. A difficult play in Shakespearean English, the Drama club pupils worked hard to bring this production together. With Nathan Marks as Romeo Montague and Rosie Vorri as Juliet Capulet, the stage was set for the magic of Shakespeare’s play to emerge.

Casting plays is not always easy and yet each and every one of the cast rose to the occasion and gave their best, at the performance that evening. From the excellent piano accompaniment courtesy of Theodora Gyftaki, to the make-up application backstage by Ema Rankovic, each member of the cast discovered their potential both on stage and backstage, making the production a success. Lord Capulet, played by Rebecca Jackson and Lord Montague played by Nicholas Demenopoulos joined hands at the end of the play, leaving the audience to ponder on the wisdom they gained through tragedy. Lady Capulet played by Tess Poulimenakos looked sadly up at her husband and held onto his arm. Benvolio played by Rea Karkabi looked down at the tragic body of Paris, played by Nefeli Vitoraki and Kostas Vitalis, Isabella Allen, Akim Valetov, the Hagis brothers Nicholas and Andreas, and Artem Shtefan were left to ponder on the tragedies that had befallen them all.

All in all, the performance was a great success, giving pupils the opportunity to explore their inner potential, share their talents with us and enhance their self-esteem.  The delightful nurse played by Christina Grammatikopoulos and the wise monk played by Yannis Apostolakopoulos, left us with a smile throughout the performance and the beautiful voice of Angela Frangos singing the theme song from Romeo and Juliet, carried with it, the image and hope for ‘a new world – a world of shining hope.. for you and me.’

Director Lindy McMullin was supported by Panagiotis Spiroudis on lighting and audio help, Virginia Poulimenakou’s wonderful scenery, Yiannis Kotsomitis’ technical support and Dimitris Zafiris’ stage development.


Senior School Celebrate Οχι Day

On Wednesday 28th October, the Greek national day was celebrated with pride in St Lawrence College. The day commemorates the rejection, during the Second World War of an ultimatum made by Benito Mussolini to allow Axis forces to enter Greece. The day was celebrated with a play presented by pupils of Years 7 & 9. The play was a dramatized adaptation of a part of the Alki Zei’s novel Petros’ War on the topic of the beginning of the war and the changes in people’s lives. Sixth Form pupils read texts narrating these first days of the war and letters by soldiers. Finally, songs were performed by the school Greek Choir.

The celebrations proved a memorable reminder of the sacrifices made by others to ensure freedom in Greece. Congratulations to all students who took part.
