
Children in WWII

On Monday 22nd May 2017, Year 3 were given a lesson in Living History as they learned about life in the second world war from a lady who lived through that difficult time. Mrs Mary Fais came along to teach the children all about her personal experiences of living as a teenager through the conflict that tore this country and so many others to pieces. 

Their subject of study in History this term is 'Children in World War Two', so hearing first-hand from a ninety-one year old lady who experienced the daily challenges of that era when she was a teenage girl was a bonus for them. She shared her story - of how she and her family helped to shelter a Jewish family from the invading forces, and how she went on later to marry the son of the family she'd helped. Soft-spoken and quiet, she nevertheless held the children spellbound with her words. 

Hardship, hunger, cold and cruelty are thankfully not a part of our children's lives these days. Let's hope they understand and appreciate the safety and comfort they live in today. Thank you so much to Mrs Fais for her time 
