Functions Workshop

The St. Lawrence College Workshop members meet once a week at lunchtime and engage, through discussion and activity, on a particular project. The Functions Workshop is open to all pupils in the senior school and is characterised by informal meetings as well as by its collaborative approach.

Teacher and pupils explore themes related to seasonal events and performances, through explicit instruction and cooperative strategy. Events may include Greek celebrations, Autumn Festival, Christmas Celebration/Play, Senior and Junior Drama Club plays. Pupils are given the opportunity to put into practice artistic skills of painting, drawing and 3D-construction and express themselves through open discussion.

Workshop activities are suitable for all abilities and year levels, as tasks are assigned according to the level of skills of every pupil, and teacher support is provided in order to scaffold learning through practical activities.

These activities include: brainstorming, painting scenery on large areas of canvas, signs, posters, construction of props, and the decoration of specific spaces related to seasonal events. The end products provide backstage support during specific performances.

The workshop develops a pupil’s ability to complete independent tasks, apply practical artistic skills, collaborate in problem solving through the creative process, meet deadlines and follow instructions, while also building a sense of belonging.
