Art Club

Bullet Points:


Meets one lunch time per week

Open to all pupils and to all levels of ability

Project based work to be exhibited around the school or at our Annual Exhibition

Encourages the use of a wide range of materials

Introduces pupils to a variety of artistic techniques and applications such as Mural painting, not necessarily taught within the Art room

Promotes individual learning

Promotes learning through group projects

Provides help for those pupils who want to develop further their natural talent

Offers help to those who would like to improve their practical skills

Builds on the skills already taught during lessons and helps to further improve knowledge and understanding of this subject

Helps to promote pupils visual awareness

Helps to promote pupils historical awareness in Art and Design

Works to enhance confidence through the development of individual projects

Aims to encourage friendships and promotes diplomatic skills through working within a group

Different age groups working together creates a sense of team work

Gives the A-Level Art pupils an opportunity to show their appreciation of this subject through some small seminars or presentations of their choice, prepared by them

Gives an opportunity for creativity to those pupils who have not chosen Art in Key Stage 4

Informal, fun, therapeutic, instructive

Promotes a more aesthetically pleasing environment in and around the school for pupils, staff and visitors through e.g. display
