
Sports day for years 1,2,3 and Reception

The annual sports day for Reception and Years 1,2 and 3 took place on the 7th and 8th of June respectively. Pupils came and performed exercises which showcased the skills they have developed in an array of sports such as gymnastics, football, basketball, field hockey and athletics. Our pupils got an extra confidence boost from all the parents who attended this fun event as they cheered for their children from up close.

Pupils wore their house colours and collected house points for their respective houses which resulted in some fantastic colourful photos taken from high above. At the end of the day, the results were announced. For Years 1-3, Macedonia finished in 1st, Attica in 2nd and Epirus in 3rd and for Reception Epirus finished in 1st place, Attica in 2nd and Macedonia in 3rd.

Pupils were ecstatic to have helped their houses and await with enthusiasm for the results from the whole academic year, which will be announced at the annual award ceremony on the 21st of June.  


Representing your house colours

The pupils of year 4,5 and 6 enjoyed a few hours in the sun, with their parents in attendance while competing in one individual and two team events.

Pupils wore their house colours and competed against other houses in a display of speed during the running relays and strength in the tug of war.

In the high jump finals, pupils jumped as high as they could producing many thrilling moments. To honour their outstanding efforts, the top 3 boys and girls received medals from each year group.

The day was filled with joy, laughter, support for one another and friendly competition between peers, as pupils did their best to earn points for their respective houses.


Year 8 action science project on socio-scientific issues

For the past few weeks, pupils in year 8 have been working on a project in relation to a socio-scientific issue. What is a socio-scientific issue? It is a controversial socially-relevant issue that is informed by science. Some socio-scientific issues, relevant to our Year 8 science curriculum, are presented below through pupils’ project work: lithium batteries; energy drinks; veganism; smoking; fast food. During the project, pupils engaged in secondary research by collecting and analysing data from the internet. Then, they conducted primary research by creating surveys and/or planning experiments. Finally, they used information from their research to carry out an action with the aim of contributing to the raising of awareness.

Below you can find links of the pupils’ actions.

Congratulations to everyone!


Year 6 Formal dance

What a night was had! The pupils of Year 6 along with their happy teachers and other members of staff in St Lawrence College junior school trotted along to the Efilena Estate for our official graduation event – the Year 6 Formal Dance. The children were treated to an evening of fun and dancing with a super graduation photo booth to make memorable moments that last. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming with the DJ playing tunes that kept the kids on their feet right up till the end!


Art Appreciation

On Friday 26th of May, Year 4 visited the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation in Athens as part of this term’s art curriculum. The children thoroughly enjoyed a chance to appreciate the finer things in life, namely Art. They also had the opportunity to conjure up some artistic efforts of their own! Very original!


Swimming gala years 7,8,9

The annual swimming gala for years 7,8 and 9 occurred on 31st of May. Over 80 pupils took part in the gala during which they competed, displaying the skills they developed throughout this academic year’s swimming lessons.

There were 3 school records that were broken this year. Melina Tsiklou broke 2 records for year 7 girls which stood since 2018. Melina achieved incredible times of 18.35 seconds and 33.33 seconds in 25m breaststroke and 50m freestyle respectively. In year 9 boys Ermolaos Mylonas broke the record which stood since 2014 for 25m backstroke by swimming it in 14.69 seconds.

 In a day full of heat, pupils enjoyed cooling off in the pool and the great atmosphere thanks to the parents who came and cheered from the stands. Well done to all the swimmers who participated and a special congratulations to all those receiving medals and breaking school records.


Let's all XPLORE!

On Wednesday 31st May the Reception classes went on a trip to the XPLORE Entertainment Centre at the Golden Hall in Athens. By spending time in the Oceans exhibit, the children learned all about marine life and took a closer look at different fish species. In the Science exhibition, they investigated how air, water and electricity work and had tremendous fun driving carts and investigating all about scary dinosaurs! 


Summer Book Exhibition

For a week at the end of May, St Lawrence College junior school hosted a book exhibition with Kidzbooks so that children would have a chance to choose some super summer holiday reads. The wide array of books in all genres and writing styles inspired the children to make some great choices. They enthusiastically rushed to the library every playtime to buy their chosen titles – reading in the summer sun is ALWAYS fun! 


First Lego League Festival

On Sunday 28th May, at the Peace & Friendship Stadium, the municipality of Piraeus held a competition titled FIRST® LEGO® League Festival. Our team of budding Lego and Robotics experts from the junior school represented St Lawrence College and made us very proud. The pupils had endeavoured to create eye-catching Lego constructions and to control them robotically with focus and determination.

FIRST® LEGO® League introduces science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to children ages 4-16* through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Participants gain real-world problem-solving experience through a guided, global robotics program, helping today's pupils and teachers build a better future together.

They did very well and are sure to go on next year and achieve even more! Well done, children!


Baby & Mini Sports Club Event

On Monday 29th May, parents and other family members happily attended our Baby & Mini Sports Club event. Our mini athletes participated in a display of their physical skills and showed off what they were learning. You're never too young to start believing in a healthy lifestyle and our 2-and 3-year-olds certainly showed us that!


Mini-tennis Club

We were enormously proud of our little tennis stars who made their mini-tennis club coaches smile in their celebratory day on 25th May. The children of the Early Years section enjoy access to a range of clubs and extra-curricular activities, so it was a real pleasure to showcase the skills of our youngest athletes in an open day event for family and friends.

All who attended enjoyed the event as they saw how much learning and physical dexterity has developed over the year. Bravo, children!


Operation Ocelot

In late May, the St. Lawrence Charity Ninjas held another outstanding fund-raising event for a charity brought to our attention by the children themselves. They decided to raise money to support Operation Ocelot, an endeavour by the World Land Trust to purchase actual square metres of rainforest territory in Brazil. The protection which this gives the area being bought is a very real benefit to us all, no matter how far away the distance may seem.

“The children themselves are passionate about conservation and discovered this charity. I am proud of our pupils; their efforts mean a great deal!” commented Ms Diplas, our Deputy Head. A wonderful assembly followed by several days of activities including a Green-wearing day and a fun photo booth too helped us raise over €1,290 for this worthy cause. Congratulations to all our Charity Ninjas and the wider community giving its support.
