
Wet Play With a Difference!

On the last day of summer term, Tuesday 20th June, Year 5 headed off with great excitement to the Aquapolis Water Park in Attica. The children enjoyed an amazing day of fun and games in the sun, splashing, sliding and swimming with their classmates. The pupils were easily recognisable with their school T-shirts on, and they were protected from the sun too. There was complete agreement from all who attended that it was the best school trip of the year!


Annual after school club displays

The annual club displays took place on Thursday the 15th of June in the indoor gym with pupils showing what they have been working on for months in Rhythmics, Yoga, Karate and Cheerleading.
Pupils were extremely excited to have a “sold out’’ audience with their parents and peers in attendance. The displays involved some fantastic acts by all four of the clubs. Parents cheered for their children as they performed a wide variety of acts ranging from acrobatics all the way to breaking wooden boards with their fists.
The following day, pupils in the Karate club had a second chance to display their skills in front of their parents during their Karate exams. All pupils were overwhelmed with joy after passing their exams and receiving new belts. These results were well deserved as pupils displayed an immense amount of effort throughout the year and enjoyed every moment of Karate.
Lastly, our young tennis players in year 1&2 displayed the fundamentals they learnt this year in an open lesson. Parents were impressed with the incredible amount of progress and loved the little games that their children participated in.
It was a very successful year for all the after-school clubs with more pupils joining than ever before. Pupils loved having an extra hour after school where they had fun participating in a sport together with their classmates which helped them develop not only their physical skills but social as well.


The Botanical Park

Year 1 took a trip, which was a well-deserved treat as this year is coming to its end, when they visited the Attica Botanical Park on Wednesday 7th June. The children have been enjoying their science unit on Plants and made the most of a day in the sun to put their classroom learning to real use in the big wide world. They had the chance to play in a beautiful environment, extend their knowledge and become “plant parents”. Now their little baby spring onion will not only add a special flavour to their food but also to their lives, as it will remind them of one of the best days in Year 1! It is wonderful to see our pupils grow and blossom like the finest flowers and healthy home-grown vegetables!


Exciting Projects!

Even in Year 1 here at St Lawrence College, we value the vital skill of oracy so having children undertake presentations is an important element of their learning. As the Year 1 pupils have been learning about the continents and climate zones, they were asked to complete a Geography project entitled “Going on Holiday.” Each child did some research about their chosen country and created information posters about it, which they then shared with their class. They showed maps, famous sights, flags, local animals and a range of other points of interest. Well done children on your super successful projects!


The Value of Camp

Between 6th and 10th June, Year 6 groups were taken on a trip to Milias Camps in Central Greece for an exciting few days of fun activities and group events. The teachers and pupils were treated to a range of things to do that included swimming, hiking up a hillside to an ancient castle ruin, walking an artistic river trail at Pavliani, learning archery, mountain biking and technical wall climbing too. The cabins were buzzing with the voices of excited children and the canteen meals were wolfed down by the children who worked up an appetite with all their non-stop activities and exercise! Take a look at the photos which show just how much they experienced at camp.


Dramatic Scenes!

On Thursday, 18th of May, the Senior School Drama Club in collaboration with members of the St Lawrence Choir delighted a packed audience in our auditorium with their excellent acting skills under the direction of Dr Lindy McMullin. The audience was literally transported back in time to Massachusetts in the 1800’s and certainly taken aback with the talented cast who carried out their roles so professionally, as if they were on stage in Broadway. All need to be heartily congratulated for their hard work and dedication to Drama as well as the excellent cooperation with the choir members who delighted all with their singing.


Trofoupoli Trip

As part of their Knowledge and Understanding of the World topic in the Reception class curriculum, the three classes visited to Trofoupoli in Argyroupoli on Monday 12th June. They took part in an educational programme on nutrition, the digestive system, and the human body. It was a day's learning that reinforced their work on healthy eating, the power of friendships and the advantages of good teamwork. The children enjoyed interacting with the life-sized fruits and vegetables which had so much to teach them. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves!


Musically Talented Pupils

On Monday 29th May, we warmly welcomed friends and family across our junior and senior schools to the Efilena Estate adjacent to the school for an evening of pleasant listening. The children taught by tutors in our peripatetic music school, practised their craft for many hours in preparation of this event to display their talent and hard work. Whether in Year 1 or year 13, the pride in parents’ faces was evident as they saw how beautifully their children played to the packed audience. Singers too, put on a show with a performance that enchanted the audience. Congratulations to all those children who participated and exhibited their musical accomplishments.


Annual swimming days and galas

Over the last 3 days the annual swimming days and galas took place for years 1-6. Pupils came and impressed their parents with the skills they acquired throughout their swimming lessons this year.

In a day where participation was the most important aspect, we had an incredible turnout in every year group. Pupils happily participated in the event and enjoyed spending time in the pool in front of their parents.

We had multiple school records broken this year! In year 3, Lukas Papavasileiou managed to break an incredible two school records. In 25m freestyle Lukas achieved a time of 19.30s and broke the previous record which stood since 2016. Lukas also broke the 25m backstroke record which stood since 2022 with a time of 24.61s. In year 4, Anais Vasiliades broke the school record for 25m backstroke which stood since 2017 with a time of 21.33s. Finally, in year 6, Polytimi Giannakopoulou broke the school record in 25m breastroke which stood since 2004 with a time of 20.25s.

Pupils in year 1 and 2 were delighted to receive medals for participating in their swimming days. Well done to all those who participated and competed in an event which brought a lot of joy to pupils. A special thank you to the parents who came and supported their children through extreme sunshine all the way to tropical rainfall!


British Physics Olympiad 2022-2023

For a third consecutive year the senior school Physics department ran a series of competitions by the British Physics Olympiad to stretch and challenge our talented Physics pupils. For the first time this year, on top of the Intermediate ‘’Physics Challenge’’ for Year 11, the ‘’Senior Physics Challenge’’ for Year 12, the ‘’Physics Challenge’’ and ‘’BPhO Round 1’’ for Year 13, we also introduced the ‘’Junior Physics Challenge’’ for Year 10!

The number of pupils that participated, particularly from Year 10, was impressive showing once again that our pupils want to challenge and push themselves in Physics.

Below is a list of all the contestants and the awards they won per competition. Congratulations everyone, we are very proud of you!


Junior Physics Challenge for Year 10 (04/05/2023)

Argyros Nassos

Gold award

Tzoutzourakis George

Gold award

Droggitis Leonidas

Silver award

Wang Nga Sim

Silver award

Christoforou Athina

Silver award

Depolo Petros

Silver award

Triandofillidi Artem

Silver award

Zhu Jiayu

Silver award

Solomakos Dimitris

Silver award

Bsarat Filippos-Rant

Silver award

Kourounlian Maida

Silver award

Zafeirakis Nicholas

Silver award

Abdel Fattah Mohamed

Silver award

Tzagkaraki-Kaseta Sofia

Bronze award

Yin Ximan

Bronze award

Pu Yiyi

Bronze award

Ying Zhuoxuan

Bronze award

Gui Boya

Bronze award

Triantafyllou Reanna Marion

Bronze award




Intermediate Physics Challenge for Year 11 (20/03/2023)

Androsov Andrey

Silver award

Lin Jia Chen

Silver award

Chen Guoguo

Bronze award

Wang Yifei

Bronze award

Zhang Zihan

Bronze award

Hu Xinyi

Bronze award

Kazianis Gerasimos

Bronze award

Kefallonitis Alexandra

Bronze award

Lempidakis Nicholas

Bronze award


Senior Physics Challenge for Year 12 (14/03/2023)

Narsesian Kristian

Gold award

Qian Ziqing

Gold award

Su Huijie

Silver award

Li Yun

Silver award

Grigoropoulos Dimitrios

Bronze I award

Leontakianakou Aikaterina-Alexia

Bronze I award

Zou Yibin

Bronze II award


Physics Challenge for Year 13 (28/11/2022)

Liao Yuqian

Merit certificate

Polyzoidi Eirini

Participation certificate


BPhO Round 1 for Year 13 (14/11/2022)

Liao Yuqian



Like every other year, top Physics pupils of their age from UK and international schools took part, so even what may seem to be a modest mark still includes our pupils in the very top rank of participants.

Special shout out to:

  • Nassos and George for achieving a Gold award in the Junior Physics Challenge, awarded only to the top 14.7% out of roughly 12,700 contestants from 275 schools!
  • Kristian and Ziqing for achieving a Gold award in the Senior Physics Challenge, awarded only to the top 8.8% out of roughly 6,000 contestants from 500 schools!
  • Yuqian, our British Physics Olympiad champion, for attaining a Merit Certificate in the Physics Challenge and a Gold award in Round 1 and who is leaving our school with a grand total of six British Physics Olympiad awards!

Summer Term begins

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


Last Day of Term

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce lorem lectus, pellentesque porta efficitur condimentum, fermentum et leo. Pellentesque finibus auctor lectus at condimentum. Praesent eget ante ultrices justo feugiat pellentesque. Vestibulum facilisis aliquam sem, a condimentum nisi dignissim at. Curabitur vel suscipit quam, non euismod neque. Nam fermentum venenatis risus, in viverra nibh venenatis at. Fusce tortor tortor, ornare vitae egestas eu, ullamcorper in lacus. Suspendisse facilisis lectus vitae ultricies tincidunt. In faucibus risus nec velit porttitor suscipit. Nullam ut ligula a dui interdum dapibus a id nisi. Integer fermentum eros quam, sagittis venenatis mi vehicula vel. Aenean ut felis at nibh imperdiet bibendum. Nulla vitae malesuada odio.

Suspendisse et ornare purus. Sed aliquet enim at tellus mollis, vel eleifend mauris euismod. Donec eget nisi bibendum, faucibus dolor et, volutpat massa. Proin pulvinar ex sit amet ex efficitur aliquam. Phasellus vitae metus et justo porttitor venenatis. Aliquam eu eleifend justo, sed pulvinar augue. Maecenas ac magna et urna fringilla fringilla ut sed elit. Curabitur ac accumsan ante, ut malesuada lorem. Aenean finibus quam at ipsum malesuada maximus.
