
Year 8 Trip to Lake Plastiras

Last week, the Year 8s went on an exciting trip to Lake Plastiras. Once we arrived in the Lake, we enjoyed an afternoon with activities, such as canoe-kayak, mountain bike, archery and teambuilding games. We developed our cooperation, teamwork skills and admired the beauty of this significant location.

On the next day, we headed to Agrafa mountain where we started our hike. We followed a trail through a forest area and continued in the “alpine zone” from where we enjoyed the views to the Thessalian plain, the Agrafa peaks and Lake Plastiras.  After reaching the top, we crossed four consecutive peaks, until we started our descent on the west side of Tembla. After the hike, we enjoyed our lunch at the Agrafa Mountain Hut.

This was a highly engaging educational experience enjoyed by all. We spent some quality time as a year group and created memories we will never forget.


Young Debaters Competition at Cambridge University

Last weekend two of our Year 10 pupils Elise Katholos & Kimberly Wang travelled to Cambridge University to take part in the finals of the International Competition for Young Debaters based on their performance at the Greek qualifying round in February. The competition took place at the world-famous Cambridge Union Debating Society. There were teams from all over the world and all over the UK, each of which was the best in their region, so the competition was extremely tough.

Our debaters had just 15 minutes to prepare for motions like whether for-profit universities should be banned, whether prisoners should be allowed to volunteer for medical trials in exchange for lighter sentences, and whether immigrants should prioritise the protection of their traditional culture over assimilation. It was a fantastic opportunity not only to test their debating skills, but also to meet some of the brightest minds of their generation in one of the most iconic academic locations in the world. When asked about the whirlwind 48-hour trip, Elise said, “the entire experience was so much fun, I learnt so much and I have made many memories I will never forget.” 


Summer School 2023

Every summer, for one month St. Lawrence College runs a highly successful, fun-filled summer programme suited to children aged from three to fourteen. Yet again this year, SLC is the place to be as we are busy preparing an action-packed and enjoyable course of activities for your children from Thursday 22nd June to Friday 21st July.

We offer exceptional tuition in English language, sport, dance, chess, recycled art, 3D paper architecture art, robotics, yoga, field games (survivor) parkour, mini-golf, roller-skating, crafts and drama.

Children up to the age of 7 follow an English programme full of activities, language, and sports.

Children over 7 years old have the option of three specific programmes:

  • The English language and learning course.
  • Sports
  • Creative Arts including Drama.

At St. Lawrence College, we actively encourage our pupils to develop independence, confidence, and leadership skills. We focus on forming, inspiring creativity, building life skills, and having fun.

Do join us for an unforgettable summer adventure!

Registration is now open and we look forward to seeing your child/children on Thursday 22nd June at 9:00 a.m. for the start of an exciting summer.

Please contact the Registrar, Mrs Emily Naoum, for further details, either by email or by phone at +302108917000


Junior School Parntal Workshop

Parents of our junior school and Early Years Foundation Stage pupils are invited to a parental workshop that will be presented by our visiting school psychologist, Dr. Hadjipateras Giannoulis, and our school counsellor, Ms Stefania Zarri.

Dr. Hadjipateras Giannoulis and Ms Zarri will be presenting on the topic of ‘Dealing with peer conflict and bullying: promoting your child’s friendships’.

The workshop will take place on Monday 15th May at 9:15-11:00 a.m., and will be held at the Efilena Estate, next door to the school campus. There will be time for questions and coffee and refreshments will be available. Parents will be able to drop off their children at the school gates and continue to make their way up Anemon Street to park inside the Efilena grounds.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please contact


Year 10 Geography Trip

At the end of April, the Year 10 Geographers headed to Mount Parnassos and Arachova to gather data for their IGCSE coursework.

On the Tuesday we visited the ski slopes at Fterolakka where we looked at the environmental impact of skiing and hiking on the slopes. Tuesday night was spent in Itea where as well as a lovely meal we had the chance to look at the sea defences that are protecting the town.

On Wednesday we visited the town of Arachova to investigate the impact that tourism is having. Amongst other activities the pupils asked the locals to complete the questionnaires that they had written to find out about their opinions about tourism in their town.


Summer School 2023

Every summer, for one month St. Lawrence College runs a highly successful, fun-filled summer programme suited to children aged from three to fourteen. Yet again this year, SLC is the place to be as we are busy preparing an action-packed and enjoyable course of activities for your children from Thursday 22nd June to Friday 21st July.

We offer exceptional tuition in English language, sport, dance, chess, recycled art, 3D paper architecture art, robotics, yoga, field games (survivor) parkour, mini-golf, roller-skating, crafts and drama.

Children up to the age of 7 follow an English programme full of activities, language, and sports.

Children over 7 years old have the option of three specific programmes:

  • The English language and learning course.
  • Sports
  • Creative Arts including Drama.

At St. Lawrence College, we actively encourage our pupils to develop independence, confidence, and leadership skills. We focus on forming, inspiring creativity, building life skills, and having fun.

Do join us for an unforgettable summer adventure!

Registration is now open and we look forward to seeing your child/children on Thursday 22nd June at 9:00 a.m. for the start of an exciting summer.

Please contact the Registrar, Mrs Emily Naoum, for further details, either by email or by phone at +302108917000


Rugby Club Tournament

On Friday the 28th of April our junior school Rugby club took part in a school tournament hosted by St.Catherines. Three schools participated with 4 teams and a total of 50 pupils! Our club team had pupils from year 2 all the way up to year 6.

Our team played 3 rugby matches in what was a tiring but extremely fun day for our young rugby players. All pupils arrived back in school with big smiles and were rewarded for their efforts with medals.

Congratulations to our school’s rugby club and a special thank you to the coach Mr Stefanos Stephanou.


World Maths Day

To celebrate World Maths Day this week, SLC junior school made sure to take their learning outdoors and prove that maths is for everyone. A range of fun activities was available and every pupil was able to access maths at their own level with differentiated tasks for each year group. They played games of catch to practise rounding, sticky darts to add and subtract and ping pong for multiplication. Even bottle flipping was involved as the children practised fractions.


Proof that maths really is fun!


Junior School Football Club First Tournament

On the 6th of April the Year 3 and 4 pupils of the after-school football club took part in a football tournament alongside three other schools. The skills our pupils learned throughout the year were on full display with our school participating in six matches of 5-aside football. This was the first taste of a school tournament for our young footballers. After the games all pupils agreed that they thoroughly enjoyed the friendly competition and received medals for their amazing effort.


Easter Bonnet Parade

On the last day of term, 7th April, Spring was certainly in the air at St Lawrence College. The sun shone brightly on the school as the pupils wore their Easter bonnets with pride and paraded around the playground in a traditional springtime celebration. The theme for making their creations this year was Recycling – the judges were looking for creativity and originality with old items reused on straw hats and caps of all shapes and sizes. Easter eggs were the much sought after prizes on offer – yum! Who doesn't love a chocolate egg for Easter?


Junior Mathematical Challenge

Again this year, St Lawrence pupils in Years 5 & 6 have the opportunity to participate in the UK Mathematical Trust's Junior Mathematical Challenge competition. The Junior Mathematical Challenge is a 60-minute multiple-choice competition for children aged 9-12, which encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency in using mathematical techniques to solve problems.

The competition will take place on Wednesday the 26th of April so the children excitedly attended a meeting in the staff room this week with Ms Tsabanakis, the Junior School Maths Lead. They enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies as they listened to the expectations on them for successful participation in this prestigious event. Good luck to all our candidates!


Science is Always Fun!

On Tuesday 4th April, Year 4 had a school trip to Planet Physics at the Hellenic Cosmos in Tavros, as part of their science curriculum this term. The children are studying the fascinating topic of States of Matter, learning all about how temperature changes affect the state of matter of a material. There were experiments with these changes and live demonstrations.

Learning isn't confined to the classroom at this school!


Year 1 in the UK

On Friday 7th April, Year 1 consolidated their Spring term's project of learning about everything British by pretending to travel to the UK! The children excitedly departed for a trip on a plane, did some sightseeing, and enjoyed a picnic in the style of a traditional English tea party! They waved their Union Jack flags and imagined themselves elsewhere.

Taking learning outside the classroom is always fun, isn't it!


Cultural Park

On Wednesday 5th April, Year 3 had a sunny day out of school at the Cultural Park in Keratea. As part of their learning for History, the pupils visited the park and learned all about the past. They thoroughly enjoyed the warm weather and fascinating features of the park. The smiles show how much they enjoyed themselves.
