
Environmental Awareness

Here at St Lawrence College, we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously. On 5th April, with this aim in mind, Years 5 & 6 attended a cinematic presentation on the subjects of conservation and care for the planet at Cinemax in Kifissia. What child doesn't enjoy a trip to the cinema? Our pupils were enthralled and educated by the whole experience.


Creative Learning

On Thursday 6th April, Year 2 visited the Pedopolis learning centre in Glyfada to learn about looking after the environment. The children took part in the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Replace Program, as part of their Science Unit on Materials this term. The outing was fun and packed with learning!



On Monday 30th March, Year 2 took a fun-packed trip to Athens to the Museum of Illusions. This visit was a perfect accompaniment to their science unit of learning Light, which taught the children all about how we use the eyes, what we actually see and what we think we see!

How the mind can be tricked by the eyes … or how the eyes can be tricked by the mind … is a fascinating thing for the children to experience and think about. Take a look at some of the amusing results!


Young Performers!

On Thursday 6th April, the annual Early Years Gym Displays for FS1 and FS2 pupils started with a heart-warming dance. Following the dance, our youngest pupils displayed the skills they have developed throughout the year during their physical education lessons. The children thoroughly enjoyed performing in front of a large live audience which was made up of family and friends. 


Thank you to all who were in attendance cheering for the children as they put on a show of their accomplishments in PE this year. Most of all, well done to our amazing pupils who relished the chance to show off their learning!


Year 9 trip to Hellenic Cosmos and Planetarium

On 24th March, Year 9 embarked on an exciting educational trip to expand their understanding of Science and History beyond the syllabi. We started at the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre, where pupils had a private viewing of the course which delves into the heart of Ancient Athenian democracy, which has been painstakingly recreated by carefully reconstructing written and physical sources to produce an accurate depiction of the ancient city of Athens, with lots of interesting details added for the benefit of pupils – for instance, the solid gold head of the statue of Athina, the patron of the Ancient City, was so large that it could be seen from the sea.


Year 8 trip to the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre

On the 29th of March our Year 8 pupils visited the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre in a daily trip organised by the Greek department and the Head of Year 8.

First, the pupils watched the play “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens, a popular moral story for children and adults alike. This story ends on a note of hope, arguing that truth, purity, and innocence can be preserved even in an environment of poverty and social inequality. 


Then, the pupils enjoyed their lunch under the blue sky, a well-deserved day out for our Year 8 pupils!


Mathematics challenges leading to….. bigger Challenges!

In early February 38 of our pupils in Years 9 to 11 participated in the Intermediate Mathematics Challenge, organised by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust. The Intermediate Mathematics Challenge is addressed to pupils in Year 11 and below with the aim to promote the love for problem solving and encourage mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency.

All our pupils enjoyed taking part in the Challenge and we are very proud of their results.

We are particularly proud of three of our pupils who qualified for the next Olympiad rounds.

Nicholas Zafeirakis in Year 10 was qualified to participate in the Hamilton Olympiad and Xinyi Hu and Konstantinos Zafeirakis in Year 11 qualified to participate in the Maclaurin Olympiad. We congratulate our pupils for this big success. The Olympiads took place on March 16th and we wish them good luck with their results.

We are proud of all those who participated and many of them were awarded with gold, silver and bronze certificates. More specifically:

In Year 11:

Gold Certificates: Xinyi Hu (Best in Year), Konstantinos Zafeirakis

Silver Certificates: Jiachen Lin


In Year 10:

Gold Certificates: Nicholas Zafeirakis (Best in Year), Zhuoxuan Ying, Jiayu Zhu, Mohamed Fattah

Silver Certificates: Athanasios Argyros, Ximan Yin

Bronze Certificates: Alexandra Mavromichalis, Sofia Tzagkaraki-Kaseta, George   Tzoutzourakis, Boya (Ency) Gui, Yehua Yang


In Year 9: 

Gold Certificates: Jiawei Wang (Jason) (Best in Year), 9 Hyeyoon Jun (Hayley).

Silver Certificates: Amalia Papadaki, Anna-Lena Lambropoulou, Shangzheng Li (Lee), Ziyi Li (Leo)

Bronze Certificates: James Cook, Marios Lempidakis, Zhu Min (Julia) and Zefei(Alice) Mu


We now wish our Junior Mathematicians good luck for their Junior Mathematics Challenge which will take place after the Easter break, on April 26th.


Rec and Y1 Trip to Cinemax

On Friday 17th March, Reception and Year 1 pupils visited Cinemax 1&2 to watch a selection of short animation movies. The movies were followed by engaging activities and discussions about the message of each film, allowing children to further understand them and freely share their ideas. They certainly had a great time!  


Robotics Competition

The robotics competition was a thrilling experience for our Year 8 group of students, who had spent countless hours designing and building their robot. They were determined to showcase their skills and compete against other teams from around Greece. The competition was fierce, but our students remained focused and worked together seamlessly to navigate their robot through the challenges. Their hard work paid off as they earned high scores and impressed the judges with their innovative designs. It was a truly rewarding experience for our students, who not only gained valuable knowledge and skills but also formed lasting friendships and memories that they will carry with them into the future. ”


Quiz Time!

Through the month of March, we held the exciting Junior School Inter-house Quiz Finals. After hotly contested earlier rounds, the Key Stage 2 classes sent forward their teams of finalists who confidently represented their Houses: Attica, Epirus and Macedonia.

With six rounds of questions on spellings, mental maths and general knowledge, the pupils gave it their all to try to come out on top. The results were often close but ultimately there was always a winner. Congratulations to everyone who took part and especially our winning teams!

Year 3 – Epirus

Year 4 – Macedonia

Year 5 – Attica

Year 6 – Epirus


MUN and YMGE Participation and success

Our school’s MUN Club had a busy time this term.

During the weekend of 18th - 19th February fifteen members of the MUN Club of our school participated in the second St. Catherine’s School Model United Nations event.

In this innovative simulation of the United Nations, delegates had the opportunity to discuss matters of international importance, enhance their understanding of UN-committee procedures and simultaneously prepare themselves for MUN conferences designed for pupils at the secondary level of their education. The theme for this year’s Conference was “Proliferating education and gender equity”.

This time our participants were from year groups ranging from Year 8 to Year 12, with many younger pupils participating for the first time in an MUN Conference and despite sacrificing a whole weekend they all enjoyed their first experience and are very excited about future participations.

Kimberly Wang held the position of the co-chair of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Committee and made an excellent impression with her hard work and kind attitude towards everyone.

The next exciting endeavour of our MUN Club was the participation of three dedicated members in the prestigious Yale Model Government Europe, YMGE, from Thursday 16th until Saturday 18th March 2023, in a conference which was highly demanding, not only academically, but physically as well, as it required hard work for long hours across all three days.

This interesting simulation of the work of United Nations is one of a kind. It is the only conference in the world with its globally unique committee and conference structure, where high-school pupils from around the world come together to debate events of global importance and put their creativity, diplomacy, and problem-solving abilities to the test. Delegates learn how to actively search for compromises and agreement, while having crisis updates thrown at them every step of the way. They embody a diversity of perspectives and help the participants gain valuable knowledge of regional politics in various areas of the world. And that was exactly what made it interesting as our pupils commented, that it was spontaneous, and therefore challenging and fun at the same time.

Many schools from around the world took part in YMGE Conference and it was a great honour for our school that Kimberly Wang was the only participant from schools in Greece who was awarded with the Best Delegate prize for her Committee.

Well done to all the members of our MUN Club, for their hard work and dedication which bodes well for the future!


Need for Speed!

On Monday 3rd April, the annual running events for years 1 to 6 were held here at St Lawrence College Junior School. All children came excited to represent their respective houses - Attica, Epirus and Macedonia. Parents were in attendance, not only cheering on their children, but participating in the parents' races as well. They enjoyed themselves as much as the pupils for sure! The children relished a day in the sports field where they cheered for their team-mates and competed for the 40 or so medals being awarded to our young runners. 

Well done to all those who participated and thank you to everyone who came and helped create an electrifying atmosphere. 


Junior School Rugby Club

On Saturday the 1st of April, junior school members of our after-school Rugby club took part in friendly matches against Attica Springboks. Our young rugby players won both of their matches of touch Rugby. Children were overjoyed with their first ever Rugby competition and loved the competitive yet friendly atmosphere.

Thank you to all the parents who came along and enjoyed the games from the stands. A special thank you to the coach Mr Stefanos Stephanou for his excellent work with our young Rugby players not only this weekend but also throughout the year.


Forensics 2023

After two years of online Forensics tournaments, the competition was live again this year, bringing back the real feeling of Forensics to all participants.

The SLC Team participated with great enthusiasm as always. With 2 finalists and 1 honourable mention, we ranked 5th out of 21 schools!

Our two finalists were: Zoe Courts, Year 10,(Oral Interpretation Comic) and Lydia Stephenson, Year 12, (Impromptu Speaking). Our Honourable Mention was the team president, Myrto Denediou, Year 13, (Oral Interpretation Comic).

Congratulations to all who participated, and many thanks to the teachers who were involved supporting the team, coaching them, judging and generally being part of this great, annual event: Ms Stafford, Mr Courts, Mr Strzemiecki, Ms Kladouchou, Ms Iliadou, Ms Torres.


A day full of football

On Thursday the 30th of March our school hosted the annual under 14 boys and girls football tournament. Four schools took part for the boys with a total of 6 teams and three schools took part for the girls.

The boys were split into 2 groups. Group one consisted of St. Lawrence 1, St. Catherines and ACS 2nd team. And in group 2 there was St. Lawrence (after school-club), ISA and ACS 1st team. Our after-school club team faced ISA and ACS and unfortunately after losing both games they failed to qualify to the semi-finals. The St. Lawrence 1 team faced St. Catherines and lost after a close game. In the 2nd game the boys faced ACS 2nd team and won advancing to the semi-finals. In the semi-final our boys faced ISA. Despite going 2-0 up, ISA managed to turn the game around winning 3-4 after a very close game.

In the girl's tournament we faced ACS and St. Catherines. All girls on the team displayed an excellent amount of effort but unfortunately, they lost both of their games and did not qualify for the final.

For most of our young athletes this was their first ever school tournament. Despite not getting the results they hoped for, they all agreed that they loved the atmosphere of the tournament and look forward to more of these types of events.

Congratulations to the pupils that took part in the tournament. Thank you to all the parents who came and cheered for our teams. Finally, a special thank you to the coaches Mr Stefanos Strzemiecki and Mr Alex Styliatis.
