
Junior School football!

On Monday 21st and Monday 28th of November, St Lawrence College hosted friendly football games against DES school. These games were the first interschool games for the junior school since the onset of restrictions due to the pandemic.

With a total of 40 boys and girls playing from year 5 and another 40 playing from year 6, the friendly tournament proved hugely successful. Furthermore, our after-school Cheerleading Club cheered for the year 6 pupils from the side-lines, chanting St. Lawrence and displaying an impressive performance between games.

All pupils involved loved their first taste of friendly interschool competition which was visible by their smiles on their faces in a day which brought back school spirit in a most successful manner.




Book Presentation for Years 4-6

As the issue of protecting the environment is becoming more and more crucial, the Greek Department invited the author and environmental educator, Mrs. Ioanna Fokou, to our school on Thursday 24th November 2022 to present her new book “Το παράπονο του πετρελαίου που έγινε κηλίδα” to Years 4, 5 and 6.

Our pupils met the author and participated in an interactive environmental and educational programme about ways to protect the environment through different activities, quizzes, and experiments.

All the pupils that attended the presentation purchased the book signed by the author, who, we should mention, offers all the money earned to Φλόγα” ( an organization for families with children that suffer from cancer.

We hope that Mrs Fokou will visit our school again to present another interesting and informative environmental programme.


Reaching Out is Important

As part of our Anti-bullying week, the Year 3 children performed the anti-bullying song ‘Don’t be mean’. Through their song they defined bullying and expressed many ways we can be kind to each other.  The importance of REACHING OUT to someone you trust and to someone you know is being bullied was stressed. Lots of positive messages were shared and a wonderful start to our day, full of song and dance!  



The Junior School Thankfulness Tree

During the week leading up to Thanksgiving Day on Thursday 24th November, the pupils in the junior school reflected on the positive things in their lives and practiced gratitude by sharing with their teachers and classmates something they are thankful for. Their health, homes, good food, family, friends, teachers and school were just a few of the sentiments of gratitude expressed by the children that now fill Our Thankfulness Tree. Each leaf displays our blessings and all that we appreciate in our lives.


Year 13 trip to the coast

On Wednesday 23rd November the Year 13 Geographers visited the beaches of Agios Nikolaos and Sounio to support their work in the Coastal Environments unit.

The main purpose of the day was to carry out beach profiles. We also investigated longshore drift and studied the waves and their impacts. The beach at Agios Nikolaos gave the group the chance to see a tombolo in real life.

The final stop of the day was a chance to warm up, as we had lunch overlooking the Temple of Poseidon at Sounio.


Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday 13th November a service of remembrance was held at the British and Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery in Falero. The service, which marked Remembrance Sunday, commemorated those men and women who gave their lives as members of te armed services in the line of duty and in the defence of liberty. St. Lawrence College Head Pupil Stella Stojanov represented our school community at the ceremony, and laid a wreath in remembrance on behalf of our school.


Dizzy at the Disco!

On Friday, 18th November, we ended the week in the best way possible for our Year 5 and 6 children: we held a disco at the gym where the children danced their socks off! The outfits were the coolest, the dance moves were the grooviest, and the ‘toons’ played by DJ OK were enough to keep everyone on the dance floor all night long, including the teachers.

Pizza and juice gave everybody enough energy to carry on till the lights went on and parents collected their exhausted but happy offspring. Fun times indeed!


Last volleyball tournament ends in a win!

On Wednesday the 16th of November our under 16 boys football team and under 16 girls’ volleyball team took part in their annual interschool tournament hosted by ACS.

There were 5 schools and 6 teams taking part for the girls’ under 16 volleyball tournament. In the first group stage game of the day the girls defeated St.Catherines comfortably 2-0 in sets. In the second group stage game our girls defeated ISA 2-0 and advanced to the final. In the final after a great comeback in the tiebreak our girls won 2-1 ultimately winning yet another tournament for our school.

There were 6 schools taking part in the boys’ under 16 football tournament. In their first group stage game the boys defeated ISA. In the second game our boys faced host team ACS were they narrowly lost 3-2 and unfortunately just missed out on the final.

Congratulations to all the boys and girls that took part in this tournament and a big thank you to the coaches, Mr Strzemiecki and Ms Dikaioulia for their excellent work with our teams.


Year 10 Trip to Lavrio

On Tuesday 15th November our Year 10 pupils went on a trip to Lavrio, organised by the Greek Department.

The pupils visited the Technological & Cultural Museum of Lavrio where they took part in a guided tour around the museum and the mining galleries, interviewed miners that used to work in the metallurgical factory and participated in a number of interactive workshops on ancient mining.

Then they visited the ancient theatre of Thoriko, the oldest theatre in Greece, a unique sample of the architectural evolution of ancient Greek theatres.

Finally, the pupils went to a traditional Greek tavern in Kalyvia where they enjoyed a lovely meal.

A wonderful day full of new knowledge, culture, and tradition!


Mini University Fair and Educational Visitors Get Pupils Thinking

The Senior school Study Zone has been a hive of university activity in recent weeks. After an initial visit by two UK university representatives a few weeks ago, we were delighted to go one step further and host our first ever mini university fair on November 11th. On that day, representatives from five top UK universities were on hand to talk to Year 12 and Year 13 pupils on an individual basis, giving them guidance and advice. This was followed by a presentation to Year 11 pupils to give them a general idea of what to expect if they were to attend university in the UK. Finally, on Friday 18th, for those who are interested in tertiary education a little closer to home, we were happy to welcome the International Enrolment Manager from Deree, the American College of Greece who came to talk to our sixth formers about another possible option for life after St. Lawrence College.


Debating is back!

After 3 years of online tournaments, our debaters were back debating face to face over the past two weekends. On the 12th of November,  a team of 10 pupils took part in the St Catherines tournament and last weekend 6 debaters went to the Deree University Invitational. At St Catherines, Theodora Farmakidi and Constantinos Zafeirakis broke to the semi-finals, but lost a close debate about how to deal with the cost-of-living crisis. At Deree, Kimberley Wang and Dora Svitsunova made it to the final for novice teams but didn't manage to defend the idea that they regret the 'chosen one' trope in popular culture.  It was great to be back in person and we are looking forward to continuing the tradition of successful debating at St. Lawrence.


Year 7 trip to the Acropolis

On the 10th of November our Year 7 pupils visited the Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum in a daily trip organised by the Greek department and the KS3 Head.

First, pupils climbed the Acropolis hill to visit the ancient citadel above the city, containing the remains of several ancient buildings of great architectural and historic significance, the most famous being the Parthenon.

Then the pupils enjoyed a guided tour of the new Acropolis Museum where they watched finds from the sanctuaries on the slopes of the Acropolis, as well as objects that Athenians used in everyday life from all historic periods. They also walked amongst the statues from 7 B.C. to the Persian wars.

It was a great day under the Athenian blue sky, a well-deserved day out for our Year 7 pupils!


Attica Zoo comes to Y1

Year 1 had the opportunity to meet some small, wild animals from Attica Zoo Park, such as snakes, baby sea turtles and geckos. We learned about what they look like, what they eat and their habitats. 

We had a WILD time!  


English History Trip to Archaeological Museum

Mummies, coffins, canopic jars, gods and goddesses, writing tools, hieroglyphics, jewellery etc… Ancient Egypt and its breath-taking artifacts came to life when Year 5 visited the National Archaeological Museum in the centre of Athens last Friday. We loved learning even more about this ancient culture and seeing up close the incredible work of ancient Egyptian artisans. We learned everything from how their society was structured, to how they buried their dead, to the significance of scarabs and the ankh, and even how they made beer! We marvelled at alabaster statues, mummies of cats and crocodiles, and miniature carvings of servants who accompanied their masters to the afterlife. What a marvellous way to augment what we learned in class about ancient Egypt!


Building Self-Esteem

On Monday 14th November, SLC hosted a morning workshop for parents in building children's self-esteem. Dr K. Hatjipateras along with our school counsellor, Ms Stefania Zarri, spoke of the ways and means we can support our children’s wellbeing and personal development. They shared their expertise in a fascinating discussion about the issues and challenges we, and our children, face today. The event was held at the Efilena Estate adjacent to the school and was a real success for all it gave to our school community.
