
Letters of encouragement and advice from Year 8 to Year 11

With the onset of their very first internal exams at the end of the academic year, the pupils in Year 8 spent several PSHE lessons learning about different revision skills and healthy study habits. Their final PSHE lesson focused on finding healthy ways to deal with stress. For the second part of this lesson, the pupils in Year 8 were asked to share everything they had learned and write a letter of encouragement and advice to a pupil in Year 11. This gesture resulted in some truly touching responses of gratitude among our Year 11 pupils. All in all, it was an educational and most rewarding experience that brought our school community closer together! 


Wet & Wild

On the last day of the summer term, Year 5 donned their swimsuits and happily headed off for the Aquapolis Water Park in Spata for a day of fun in the sun. The children were thrilled by the prospect of one whole school day of water play and could barely contain their excitement. The teachers remarked how well organised it was and how easily the children could be kept safe but hugely entertained by their surroundings. The sun shone, the water sparkled, and the children laughed. A great way to finish up the year!


Stepping Out in Style

On Thursday 10th June, Year 6 attended their end-of-school Formal, a wonderful evening of celebration specially designed and planned for our junior school leavers. The event was held next door to St Lawrence, at the Efilena Estate, and comprised of music, delicious finger food and all the children putting their very best foot forward in the dressiest outfits they had. They looked wonderful and seemed to relish the opportunity to attend such a classy evening party, just for them.


The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Here at St Lawrence College, the Queen's Platinum Jubilee was celebrated with fun events to mark this important occasion. Assemblies were held to ensure all our pupils from far and wide understood the significance and meaning of the events, and teachers created a variety of lessons and activities to involve the children in a way that gave relevance. We held our very own street party picnic on Friday and played outdoor games; furthermore, we hosted soldiers from the Royal Welsh Regiment, who gave an amazing drumming display to the delight of our pupils! What an amazing week it was! 

Long live the Queen! 


Sports Days & Swimming Galas

The summer term is always packed with activities and events, particularly the sporting kind. This year has been no exception as the pupils have run, swum, jumped and hopped around the sports fields here at school. Children and parents alike came to school with a competitive edge, ready to take on the world! And they thoroughly relished the process of smashing their personal bests or even in a few instances, some long standing school records!

Well done to all our young athletes and all their physically demanding efforts to excel!


Clubs Display

In early June, parents and friends were invited to the gym to watch a wonderful display of young skills with some of our After-school clubs showing us their learning. The routines were the result of determined practice by the children and their coaches. There are a range of clubs for junior school children, and this display was brought to us by the Cheerleading club, the Dance & Movement girls, the Rhythmics enthusiasts and our Karate children who were judged for their next belts too.  

A very enjoyable show! 


Mini Tennis

On Tuesday 7th June 2022, some of our budding tennis stars in our Early Years classes took part in a celebratory display of their growing tennis skills on one of the tennis courts here at SLC. With racquets clutched proudly in their small hands and some fancy footwork too, the children showed off what they’d learnt in front of pleased friends and families. Delightfully entertaining!


Staff Trip

The staff of St Lawrence were treated to an activity weekend at the end of May and certainly made the most of it. Organised down to the finest points by the indomitable Head of PE, Ms Kalara, 53 members of staff headed off to Kalavrita in the Peloponnese for fun & games and taking in the mountain air. What a welcome break it was from the usual routine of school activities and duties! Very much appreciated indeed.


Year 8 Action Science Project

This term Year 8 pupils have demonstrated excellent research and critical thinking skills by completing an action science project. We are delighted to be sharing the outcomes with you.

The pupils chose topics relating to our Year 8 science curriculum, particularly our Chemistry unit 8E and Biology unit 8C. These are 1) climate change and extreme weather events, 2) electric cars and 3) smoking. They carried out a pupil-directed collaborative research process, giving over much of their personal time, thus going above and beyond their normal science work.

First, the pupils became involved in secondary research, collecting and analysing information from articles and the internet. Then, they designed a primary research in order to learn more about their chosen topics. This took the form of surveys and/or experiments. Their final step was to utilise their findings in a way that would make a positive difference to their community, mainly by informing members of the public.

Through their actions, the children link knowledge gained in lessons to everyday life, as well as undertake the responsibility to seek sustainable and equitable solutions to controversial issues. Thus, they make a vital step towards becoming active citizens.

Below you can find the pupils’ actions:


Year 7 Rafting Trip to Larissa

Last week, the Year 7s went on an exciting trip to Larisa. First, we stopped at Metaxochori which was a memorable experience and definitely worth the long journey. We saw the waterfalls and walked around the very traditional village streets. In the afternoon, we visited the old Girls’ School, and received a talk about the history of this significant location. We also learnt about the process of the production of silk.   

On Friday, we had a really fun day at Pineios River where we were introduced to rafting techniques and had the opportunity to practise our skills for three hours. In the evening, we enjoyed a range of activities such as archery, ziplining and hiking across the beautiful mountain of Kissavos.     

On the last day, our pupils participated in a rafting competition along the same river route they practiced the day before. At the end, all pupils received a gift of a t-shirt from Trekking Hellas, to remember the day. The winners also got their medals and extra prizes!   

Overall, this was a highly engaging, fun and educational experience enjoyed by all, and we look forward to taking our new intake of Year 7 pupils next year!


Gardening Club

Green fingers everywhere have helped to create an impressive little collection of plants in our junior school. The children in our lunchtime gardening club have worked with some enthusiastic members of staff to plant, water and harvest a modest range of vegetables. The flowers too, that have blossomed this springtime have really brightened the entrance to our school with colour and beauty.  

The next crop we are waiting to pull up is the pumpkins. Let's see how they do! Pumpkin soup orders at the ready! 


Easter Bonnets

On the last day of the Spring term, St Lawrence College Junior School welcomed the Easter holidays in with a traditional celebration, an Easter Bonnet parade. Many pupils from our youngest children in FS1, right up to Year 6 children with high school right round the corner, adorned themselves with flowers, Easter eggs, chicks, ribbons, and even Greek churches atop their head!  

With a theme of 'recycled material use’ given, the judges looked for home-made efforts that used everyday materials creatively to put a modern twist on an old theme. Prizes were awarded for the top effort in each year group and the winners eagerly received their big chocolate Easter eggs. Bravo to everyone who participated, it was another fun event to make us smile!  


Words to Inspire Us

At SLC, we value our pupils’ learning inside and outside the classroom, educating the whole child. Pastoral care is just as important as academic learning; therefore, we use our physical school environment to inspire our young learners about the importance of maintaining positive behaviour at all times. We teach them the lessons of life alongside the lessons that matter in the curriculum. Just look at a few of the walls in our school, filled with information to cultivate curiosity, positivity and healthy ideas.


Tea with the Headmistress

During the Spring term, Ms Good invited pupils to ‘tea’ as a way of showing her appreciation for their wonderful, simple contributions to everyday life at school. Teachers nominated that special someone in their class for the treat – the pupil who never has to be asked twice to take out their books, the pupil who unfailingly responds with good manners, the pupil who shows a willingness to participate in whatever the lesson may be and always tries their best to improve. These personality traits matter here at our school and often it's the quiet child who exhibits them day after day, so what better way to say thank you than giving them a chance to show off their books and have a relaxing chat in Ms Good's office.


Oasis Farm Park

On Tuesday 5th April the Foundation Stage 1 + 2 classes visited the Oasis Activity Farm Park to help the children get the most out of their current topic ‘Animals’. There, they met a variety of friendly farm animals including donkeys, goats, ponies, ducks and chickens which live happily and naturally at Oasis Park. Some of the activities included feeding and brushing the animals.  
