
Carnival Day

On Friday 4th March, inspired by the Rio Carnival, the Early Years and Junior School will celebrate the festivities by having class parties, parading in costumes and dancing to music.


COBIS Art Competition 2022

Every year, the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) hosts an international art competition which gives pupils the opportunity to showcase their creative skills.

Pupils of St. Lawrence College were encouraged to participate, and we were very pleased to receive many inspiring entries.

As there is a limit on how many pieces of art can be submitted per school, there was a selection process, and we are pleased to be able to share the finalists’ work with you.

Thank you to Ms. Poulimenakos for organising this prestigious event and congratulations to all pupils who took part in the competition; the works submitted were fantastic.

The winners will be announced in April 2022, and we wish them the best of luck.


Messy Valentine’s Mystery

Who is my secret admirer?

Who sent a Valentine’s card to who?

EAL pupils (who each had assumed a different role) had to go around, investigate and find out by asking each other questions and gathering clues! Who was eating cookies while writing their card? Who wrote their card together with their pet parrot? And who received a card with stains on it? EAL pupils had great fun while practising their speaking skills! No one could get out of this as this mystery would be impossible to solve without every character’s clues.     


What's in a Name?

Our young learners in FS2 have been learning how to write their names – short or long, big or small! 
By creating huge colourful images of the letters in their names, the children express themselves through their colour choices and the stroke of a brush, with productive learning and creativity the final result. It's heart warming to see their accomplishments.


Literature pupils mark 100 years of Ulysses

Today was the 100th anniversary of the publication of James Joyce’s Ulysses, and A-Level Literature pupils enjoyed a special lesson, led by Headmaster Phil Holden, marking the anniversary. The pupils were given an introduction to James Joyce, listened to recordings of readings from the book, discussed the modernist style Joyce used, and studied the publishing history of Ulysses. The pupils were able to examine various editions of the book, including a first edition that was 100 years old today!


Covid self-testing schedule as schools reopen

With the reopening of schools anticipated for Monday 31st January, pupils and parents should be aware of covid self-testing requirements for the coming week.

Pupils will need to bring evidence of a negative covid self-test on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings. This means pupils should take a self-test on the afternoon/evening of Sunday, Monday and Thursday. School staff are following the same schedule of self-testing.


Online learning continues as schools across Attica remain closed Friday 28th January

The Greek authorities have announced that all schools in the region of Attica, including St. Lawrence College, must remain closed on Friday 28th January, following the extreme weather conditions this week.

Online classes will take place for all our pupils, so that a normal Friday timetable will operate from 08.50am through the Microsoft Teams platform.

Parents will be emailed when the requirements for pupils’ covid self-testing for school attendance next week is made known.


Schools remain closed but online lessons restart on Thursday 27th January

The Greek authorities have today extended the closure of schools across Attica to include tomorrow, Thursday 27th January. However, the authorities have given the green light for online learning to restart.

For the pupils of St. Lawrence College, online learning recommences on Thursday, at 08.50am, through the Teams platform.

Any decision from the Greek authorities relating to the operation of schools on Friday 28th January will be communicated to pupils’ parents by email, and posted on the school website and Facebook page. Pupils and parents should be aware that if schools do operate on Friday, pupils will need to take a covid self-test on Thursday evening and bring the documentation of their negative result to school on Friday morning.


Extension of school closure due to extreme weather

The Greek authorities have today, Tuesday 25th January, extended the ongoing public holiday to include Wednesday 26th January.

This directive, taken for safety precautions amid the extreme weather Greece has experienced in recent days, specifically states that all schools must remain closed, and that online learning cannot take place on Wednesday 26th January. St. Lawrence College, along with all schools, must comply with this order.

For this reason, St. Lawrence College must remain closed on Wednesday 26th January, and cannot operate online classes.


No online learning to take place Tuesday 25th January

An announcement was made at 8.30pm on Monday 24th January, that all work activity would stop across Attica on Tuesday 25th January, as a consequence of the severe weather affecting the region.

This announcement specified that online learning as provided by all public and private schools also has to cease for Tuesday 25th January.

For this reason, in line with all other schools in Attica, St. Lawrence College will not be operating online classes on Tuesday 25th January.

Further communication will follow concerning operations on Wednesday 26th when government authorities make their decisions (likely during Tuesday 25th).


Learning goes online as severe weather closes all schools in Attica

All schools in Attica have been ordered to remain closed on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th January 2022. This directive, issued by the Greek authorities late on Sunday 23rd January, also applies to St. Lawrence College.

Parents of pupils have been emailed with details on how their children will receive full lessons online through the Microsoft Teams platform. Headmaster Phil Holden commented “The familiarity with online learning that teachers and pupils have acquired through the experience of covid lockdowns allows us to meet these brief closures caused by extreme weather. I am confident that whatever the cause of a school closure, we can now meet our pupils’ needs online”. It remains to be seen whether the closure will be extended to Wednesday 26th January and parents are asked to monitor their emails for updates as further announcements are made.


Mini Tennis for Mini People!

On Wednesdays, our Early Years tennis enthusiasts can take part in a lunchtime club we offer: Mini-tennis. The children may be small but it’s never too early to start learning how to control a ball with a lob over the net, to perfect your forehand smash or to serve an Ace!  

Well, they may be some way off that level of skills yet, but aren’t they having fun! 


Welcome 2022!

No matter the weather, there's always something to put a smile on your face at St Lawrence College. What lies at the end of a rainbow – a pot of gold or a school full of happy children learning and living their best lives?! 

The start of the new year brings hope and positivity for the year we're embarking on, so we're collectively putting our best feet forward as we march on. 


2B in Action

December 2021, and 2B has had the busiest time learning this term – everything from taking a trip to the Goulandris Museum of Natural History to learn about conservation, to the Great Fire of London in History, to making money in maths at school! 

A super class assembly online to showcase the children’s learning of British history was a memorable event this December! The term would not be complete, of course, without a wonderful afternoon decorating their class Christmas tree with garlands, ornaments and plenty of tinsel! It was all happening in Ms Bitra’s Year 2 class! 


Christmas is for Giving

As we are all very aware, Christmas is a time of giving, and we are incredibly touched by the generosity of our families and the willingness of our pupils to help with charitable causes this Christmas season. For one, the Junior School Charity Ninjas have worked together with the Senior School Services Society to gather Christmas gifts for needy refugee children in Athens, and our wonderful Shoebox campaign enabled us to give hundreds of gift boxes to Ark of the World Metadrasi, Faros and the Soup Kitchen in Anavyssos which has been long supported by SLC.  

Furthermore, the charity Floga (Φλόγα), the Panhellenic Association of Parents of Children with Cancer, has been supported with a large donation as our pupils hosted a holiday sale with their items. This charity represents and supports thousands of families all over Greece and fights for better medical, psychological and social care of children suffering from cancer. 

We also supported Make A Wish Greece by having our pupils make a donation and write their heartfelt wishes on a star that we then hung on our branches of kindness. This well-known charity is one of the charities we donate to annually and has expressed its appreciation over the years.  

Another charitable effort was held with a Festive Jumper Day to raise money, as well as a raffle that offered a lusciously full gift basket brimming with all kinds of goodies as the prize. Both were successful enough for us to make a sizeable donation to Doctors of the World Medecins du Monde and Ark of the World

We thank all our generous, kind families for their efforts to help others through our combined efforts. Community is everything, as we certainly can see.  
