
Fun in the Sun

Lessons don’t have to be done indoors all day long, do they? Certainly not! Year 6 had some fun with water art on Friday, 28th May 2021 when they learned how to use a pendulum to create patterns on the ground and even drew their own designs. How big can a canvas be? The size of a playground it seems! 



It’s June 2021 and all is going well at St Lawrence College! It’s wonderful now that we’re back in school after online learning for the spring, that we can give the children the opportunity once more to engage in our exciting computing lessons with all the extras! The pupils of year 5 have been quite excited with their coding lessons as they have learned to program the BBC micro:bit to do many different things from displaying a flashing heart to playing a game of Rock Paper Scissors! 


Summer School 2021

Every summer, for one month, St. Lawrence runs a highly successful, action-packed, fun-filled summer programme suited to children aged from three to fourteen. Yet again this year, SLC is the place to be as we are busy preparing a productive and enjoyable course of activities for your children in June and July.

As always, we wait with much excitement to welcome back old faces and meet new ones, too. It is satisfying to renew old friendships and initiate new ones in such a positive, stimulating environment! We guarantee a special experience for our pupils, as we offer optimum learning and superb sports facilities on our spacious campus.

Here at St Lawrence College, there is everything on offer - from exceptional tuition in English language to sport, dance, drama, chess, recycled art, 3D paper architecture art, robotics, yoga, field games, mini golf, roller skating, crafts and many more activities.

Registration is now open and we look forward to seeing your child/children on Tuesday 22nd June at 9:00 a.m. for the start of an exciting summer.

Please contact the Registrar, Mrs. Emily Naoum, for further details, either by email or by phone at +30210 8917000


Art Attack

2T has been having a whale of a time this term with inspiring projects in the arts. Super sculpture was the name of the game with the study of the human form inspiring various 3D figures in a range of media. In English, their poetry unit on ‘Poems about Plants’ gave the perfect opportunity to go outdoors, create then recite poetry to the magnificent Jacaranda! 


Mini Adventures!

The little ones in Early Years are learning about ‘people who help us’ so took a close-up look at firefighters. The teachers took them around the school to look for fire extinguishers and identify school’s safety features. Following this, the children painted their own fire-red pictures with their hands and finally relaxed with a garden picnic in the shade. This third term since our return to school has been packed with fun! 


Outdoor Fun!

Here are the energetic youngsters from 2B re-enacting the story of The Quest. It’s a story about a child who goes on an exciting quest and faces the evil Grimlock in order to save the crystal bell of Ulm, achieving wonders with the help of his friend, a unicorn and a gnome. The pupils enthusiastically showed us how to role play the various characters! 


Innovating for the Future

During the week of 8th March, St Lawrence College Junior School held a science poster competition in conjunction with British Science Week 2021. The children were tasked with creating a poster that exhibited an innovative device of their own design. The results were quite impressive, leaving us in no doubt as to the scientific potential these young minds are ready to unleash on the world. Although the judges were faced with an abundance of excellent entries, they managed to choose these winners. Congratulations to all who entered!


SLC Participates In This Year’s Panhellenic Forensics Tournament

Congratulations to our pupils who participated with great success once again in the Panhellenic Forensics Tournament which, for the first time, was held online on 1 – 4 April.

St Lawrence participated in many events: Oral Interpretation, Monologue, Impromptu, Group Discussion and of course Debate. We had two finalists: Harry Courts (Comic Oral interpretation) and Dimitris Thodis (Impromptu Speaking), both Year 12. We also had three Honourable Mentions: Charlotte Galatis (Dramatic Oral Interpretation), Jason Spanoudis (Comic Monologue) and Lenora Kirkland (Comic Monologue), all Year 12 pupils. 15 schools and around 400 pupils from many parts of Greece were involved, making it a very successful tournament.

Many thanks to our teachers who helped by coaching and/or judging, Ms Stephanie Stafford (Head Coach and Judge), Mr Russell Courts (Debate Coach and Judge), Ms Argyri Kladouchou (Coach and Judge), Ms Peggy Iliadou (Coach and Judge), Ms Rania Kouvari (Judge) but also to SLC alumni who came back to help coach and judge: Stefanos Strzemiecki (Coach and Judge), Rosie Vorri (Coach), Achilleas Papadimitriou (Coach), Melina Spanoudi (Judge) and Arietta Valmas (Judge). 


Year 9 Action Science project

For the past few weeks, our Year 9 pupils have put their brains and hearts into creating their own science projects which we are delighted to be sharing with you.

The pupils chose the topics, all of which link to our Year 9 science curriculum. They examined their topic thoroughly, often devoting much of their personal time as this went beyond their normal science work.

First, the children engaged in pupil-directed secondary research, which entails learning from relevant articles. Then they designed their own primary research to learn more about their chosen issue by distributing online surveys to other pupils in the senior and junior school of St. Lawrence College. Their final step was to think of a way they could use those findings to counter each problem by informing members of the public and influence them to bring about change. Three of the projects aim to inform through the creation of videos and one in the form of an article and a petition.

Through their actions, the children illustrate valuable skills such as critical thinking, care, responsibility and courage. At a time when meaningful communication has become more difficult, these pupils managed to express themselves and take a vital step towards becoming active citizens. Throughout the duration of these projects, they demonstrated resilience, overcame obstacles and collaborated despite the challenging circumstances.

Below you can find the results of all this hard work:

  • a video on sound pollution, by Fang Fei Liu, Han Xu, Zihan Zhang and Yuxuan Sun - Click here
  • a video on skin cosmetics, by Arthur Bastos Ferreira and Stefanos Peralta Galanopoulos - Click here
  • a video on artificial ultraviolet tanning by Harry Tsanis - Click here
  • an article on energy drinks, by Dorothea Svistunova - Click here

Congratulations to all of them!


British Physics Olympiad

On Friday March 12th, the Senior School Physics department took part in the British Physics Olympiad’s Intermediate Physics Challenge for Year 11; a UK national competition. In this competition, high achieving students of Physics are encouraged to participate with the key aim of trying out questions that make them think more deeply. Unlike previous years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s competition consisted of two multiple choice question papers and took place entirely online.

Despite the short notice and the great deal of pressure they are under, 14 of our Year 11 pupils embraced the challenge and made a huge success out of it, winning 6 Gold awards, 7 Silvers and 1 Bronze. It is worth pointing out that Gold was awarded to only 865 out of a total of 4,710 pupils (18.4%) amongst 204 schools who participated in the competition.

Our pupils filled us with pride and we wish to share with you and celebrate their success!

Yuqian Liao
Marilia Samiou
Sabrina Ren
Timothy Tay
Yikai Ying
Yidi Fang
Dingnan Huang
Huanyu Zhang
Nikos Synodinos
Zihan Ding
Karin Vartanian
Elina Kastrinaki
Anna Argyrou
Klein Chen



World Book Day

On Thursday 4th March 2021, World Book Day brought fun and games to online learning. Despite not being face to face at school, the teachers and children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters for all to see. There were some wonderful costumes and interesting interpretations of some well-known characters created by authors of the past and present. Everyone from Mulan to the Cat in the Hat, from Artemis Fowl to Gangsta Granny and even the Mad-Hatter as well as the Queen of Hearts made our lessons come to life today!


Interhouse Games 2021

February saw the St Lawrence College Interhouse Games take place with the usual displays of sportsmanship, determination and team work. Year 7s battled it out in several different sports and the results were as follows:

Year 7 boys and girls basketball:

Attica 70 points

Epirus 40 points

Macedonia  60 points


Year 7 boys and girls football:

Attica 70 points

Epirus 60 points

Macedonia 40 points


Which left us with final totals of:

Attica 140 points

Epirus 100 points

Macedonia 100 points


Congratulations to all involved. Some extremely impressive work!


Sudden passing of a much-loved ex-pupil of our school

It is with immense sadness that we inform our school community of the sudden passing of our ex-pupil Despina Karvouni, aged 24.

Despina, who graduated from St. Lawrence College in 2014, contributed enormously to our school community while also sustaining an extraordinary standard of dedication and consistency towards her own learning. Her record of achievement is unsurpassed. In addition to being a leading debater for our school, Despina was the captain of our debate team, an active member for our school’s Model United Nations delegation and a fine performer in our Forensics group. Despina approached all such activities with wholehearted commitment and an infectious enthusiasm, and was always keen to support other, younger pupils she was participating alongside.

Her achievements in debate, for school and country, were outstanding. While in Year 9 Despina was a finalist at the 2010 International Competition for Young Debaters and her team finished among the top 15 teams in the world. In the 2014 Panhellenic debate tournament, with over thirty schools represented and hundreds of young men and women taking part, she was ranked the number one best speaker at the entire event. Despina represented Greece as a member of the Greek national debate team in the World Schools Debating Championship in 2013, and then again in 2014, this time as captain of the Greek team.

Academically, Despina was brilliant and a role model for all pupils. Her stunning results of ten IGCSEs (9A*1A), five AS-Levels (AAAAA) and four A-Levels (A*AAA) were the consequence of her unwavering dedication to study, as much as her raw intelligence. It was richly deserved that she should be the winner of the History Prize, the Mathematics Prize, and the Headmaster’s Prize for Academic Excellence at her graduating Annual Award Ceremony in June 2014. Above all, Despina was a modest, polite, caring young woman with a wonderful smile, a love for her school community and a desire to support others. She was a natural choice for school prefect and she was an excellent Head Girl in her final school year.

After leaving our school Despina studied Law at Durham University in the UK, where she was awarded a first class degree. After further training and a specialism in Corporate Law, Despina had recently qualified as a solicitor, ready to practise in the UK legal system.

Despina’s sudden passing has brought terrible and profound shock and grief to all who knew her. At this time we remember her wonderful contribution to so many aspects of our school life and the example she set. We think of her many friends from her class of 2014, still a very connected and close-knit group. And, most of all, we give our thoughts, support and deep condolences to Despina’s family and closest friends who are suffering overwhelming grief and bewildering loss at this very difficult time.


More Lockdown Debating

In the past month, St. Lawrence debaters have taken part in two online competitions. Two weeks ago, some of our senior debaters pitted their wits against the best in Greece at the Cambridge University Athens Schools Competition, and last weekend, 12 of our younger orators entered the International Competition for Young Debaters (ICYD), which was also organised this year by Cambridge University. All of them performed well in tough debates and received some valuable feedback from some experienced judges. Special mention to Kristian Narcessian who finished amongst the top 10 individual speakers in the ICYD competition. Also, many thanks to the teachers and ex-pupils who gave up time on the weekends to help judge.


Hogwarts Calling!

Year 6 at St Lawrence College has been feeling very creative in recent weeks with a definite theme going on - Harry Potter no less! During the Spring term, Year 6 studies the world of Harry Potter, learning so much about writing, story telling, plot and character. Of course, you cannot keep creativity out of it when talking about Hogwarts adventures, so it's only natural the children were asked to redesign book covers for the most well-known of the novels - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Look at what a wonderful job our children did at home in online lessons. Marvellous, don't you think?
