
Understanding our Children

Managing your child’s fears and worries can be a challenge at the best of times and we all require a little extra help. On Thursday, 30th September, we hosted a unique event at the Efilena Estate (next door to our campus)  in order to explore issues that concern our families and how to recognise their significance. The first part of the workshop was a tremendous success and is sure to encourage participation at the follow-up session in the same venue.  

Our school counsellor, Ms Stefania Zarri, a qualified and experienced psychologist, gave parents the opportunity to listen to the science behind the subject, express themselves and share their experiences too in a friendly atmosphere of mutual care and concern. We warmly invite all parents to join us for the next workshop on 4th November, and look forward to enjoying a light brunch in the delightful surroundings of the estate immediately afterwards.


Like Music to my Ears!

At the end of the summer term in May and June 2021, a number of pupils who receive tuition from our experienced team of peripatetic music teachers sat for important music exams with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. And what an outstanding set of results they achieved! We wish the warmest congratulations to our pupils to our young pianists:  

  • Mike Enyuan received Grade 6 Distinction 

  • Xizhe Ji received Grade 6 Merit 

  • Lawrence Papadakis received Grade 1 Merit 

  • Julia Min received Grade 1 Distinction 

  • Abby Su received Grade 5 Distinction 

  • Leona Zhu received Grade 5 Merit 

And for our young guitarists too, we heartily congratulate them: 

  • John Esther received Grade 5 Merit 

  • Kimberly Wang received Grade 4 Pass 


First Day Back!

Here we are at the start of an exciting new school year, the academic year 2021-2022. As St Lawrence College enters its forty-first year, the pupils have made a super start. They have come into school today with smiles on their faces and a spring in their step. The classes are calm and teachers are getting to know their children already. It’s an exciting time and we are all prepared for whatever we may face this year!

Here’s to a successful year ahead!


Public exams are back, and the results are outstanding!

May and June 2022 saw the return of public exams for our school’s eldest pupils. These were the first public exams to be held since 2019 as a consequence of the global pandemic. This year’s A-Level and AS-Level results have now been released and the results achieved by the Year 12 and Year13 pupils of our school are truly remarkable!


At full A-Level, which marks the final qualifications a pupil takes in a British school, 52 candidates took 170 A-Levels. This was a greater number of A-Level pupils and entries than ever before at our school. The standard of the grades achieved would be considered outstanding in any year. But when it is noted that because of the covid pandemic, these pupils had never taken public exams before (all exams were cancelled in 2020 and 2021) and that these pupils experienced disruption over the last two years through all manner of covid-related impacts and restrictions in school, their results can only be considered as brilliant.

Of all the A-Levels taken, 22% resulted in in A* grade and 54% in an A or A* grade. This was markedly up on the 20% and 51% respectively from 2019, which was the last time exams were held. Furthermore, an astonishing three out of every four (75%) of all A-Levels taken resulted in a grade in the A*/A/B range.

A number of exceptional performances stand out. These include Lin Ning Huang (3A*1A), Ioannis Kontomihos, Katrina Lemane and Danyl Tsaran (3A*), Athanasios Kapoutsis, Leda Persidi and Zoe Raptis (2A*2A), Isabella Karaiossifidi and Nikolaos Zairis (1A*3A) and Marina Vassiliadis (4A).

And on to higher education!

Our school leavers are heading off to universities both in the UK and elsewhere in the world. UK destinations include UCL, Lancaster, Sussex, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Surrey and many other locations, while other school leavers have chosen universities in France, Italy, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and the USA for their higher education. Our school leavers will study a wide range of subjects, including Medicine, Politics Philosophy and Economics (PPE), Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, History, Applied Mathematics, Psychology, International Hospitality Management, Computer Science.


At AS-Level, a whopping 85 pupils took 282 exams, which is comfortably the largest number of AS-Level candidates in a single exam session in the history of our school. As with those pupils who sat A-Levels, these pupils had never taken any public exams before as a consequence of the pandemic and also had experienced disruptions and restrictions through their recent education. Nevertheless, the collective performance of this large group was truly impressive and well up on the most recent AS-Level exams from 2019. This year’s cohort of pupils managed an A grade in 53% of all AS-Levels, compared to 41% in 2019. Likewise, this year an extraordinary 81% of all AS-Levels resulted in a grade in the A-C range (2019: 73%)

There were 16 pupils who scored four A grades, and standing out among those top performances were Nikolaos Synodinos with five A grades and Leandros Mandilaris with four A grades plus one B.


Pupils in Year 11 who sat their IGCSEs also have all their results now – well, nearly. They are still waiting for their GCSE Greek results which, being a different qualification from the IGCSEs, sees grades being released one week later. A full analysis of these results will appear in due course once the Greek results are known, but already it is clear that our Year 11 pupils have done very well indeed.

Reaction from the Headmaster

St. Lawrence College’s Headmaster, Phil Holden, commented “All these pupils have been through so much in recent years through no fault of their own. They have worked through lockdowns, online lessons, periods of having to self-isolate and quarantine, and restrictions in school in the classrooms, playgrounds, and extracurricular activities. It isn’t easy to wear a mask all the time in school, and to learn from teachers who are also wearing masks. What is more, it has been well-publicised in the British media that A-Level grades are down this year globally. Given all that, what a fantastic achievement it has been to see our pupils do so well at A-Level and AS-Level. I congratulate them, am immensely proud of them, and wish those who are leaving us the very best of luck. Likewise, I thank all the teachers and staff of the school who have worked so brilliantly and who have made it possible for our pupils to reach these dizzying standards. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful staff and I am in awe of their achievement through what has been such a challenging period of time for many reasons”.


Drama Club

On consecutive Fridays, the 4th and 11th June, our senior and junior school drama clubs put on their wonderful performances. Both plays, 'The Lost Tribe of Arrendale’ and ‘The Spirit of the Jungle’ were versions of famous stories adapted by Dr Lindy McMullen, our drama club teacher.  Our pupils had managed to persevere through a lockdown with online rehearsals, then on our return to school it was all about preparing for each of the big nights. They did an outstanding job, performing like professional actors and making all their families and teachers proud of them. Well done to all who participated! 


Transition KS2-KS3

Moving on from the end of primary school to the start of senior school is a significant milestone in any child’s life and is not to be taken lightly. Here at St Lawrence College, we take this transition very seriously and are sure to facilitate the most seamless transition between key stages as possible. Ms Zarri, our school counsellor, is always on hand to help; this term year 6 pupils have been guided through a series of lessons which help them prepare for September and have been taught useful strategies to cope with all kinds of worries and concerns they may have. With this level of positive support, we are sure they have nothing but excitement about the year to come! 



Our youngest pupils in the Early Years department have been happily bouncing around since returning to school last month. Doesn’t it show on their faces? They reflected on a year of learning at school and at home with their teachers on a computer screen. As they realised, they may not have heard as much or seen as much as usual, but it was most definitely a year filled with LOVE! 


Once Upon a Time…

In our three Reception classes, the five-year olds have been wrapped up in fairy tales this summer term. They have been learning how to re-tell and illustrate their stories as well as perform to an audience in class. Jack & the Beanstalk has been the story under scrutiny, with improvisations about it using imaginative classroom materials to represent the singing harp and other key features of this well-loved children’s tale.  


Junior School Sports Day 2021

During the week of 7th June, the Junior School had their sports day activities with a host of winners to celebrate! 60m running race results were as follows:


Year 1 Boys & Girls

First: Leonidas Anastasiadis
Second: Theseas Antonakoglou
Third: Thomas Pagonis
First: Aelia Vassiliades
Second: Patricia Koutkovska
Third: Sophia Pedersen


Year 2 Girls & Boys

First: Maria Pavlis
Second: Anais Vassiliades
Third: Eleonora Katsifarakis
First: Alexandros Maniatis
Second: Milan Farel Boumal
Third: Romeo Petric


Year 3 Boys & Girls

First: Malo Mounie
Second: Archer Ritz
Third: Liam Schauman
First: Erato Kitrilaki
Second: Elizabeth Callitsi Third: Anna Pavlides


Year 4 Girls & Boys

First: Ellie Koutsogiannis
Second: Mila Petrosian
Third: Isabella Fotineli
First: Panagiotis Maroudas
Second: Emmanuel Adamantiadis
Third: Spiros Poulis


Year 5 Boys & Girls

First: Alexandros Valkanis
Second: Miran Kourounlian
Third: Nikolai Potter
First: Taraneh Fazel
Second: Panagiota Karakosta
Third: Lauren Koutsogiannis


Year 6 Girls & Boys

First: Vivian Glymakopoulos
Second: Myrto Charalabidi
Third: Sophia Lalioti
First: George Depolo
Second: Leon Raptis
Third: Sotiris Zafeirakis


The tug of war competitions got the pulses racing too, with our three house teams giving it their all to win! The children certainly made the most of being in school and enjoying these classic sports competitions!


Gardening Galore!

At St Lawrence College, the Junior School Gardening Club has been running for the last three years. Pupils have loved learning how to take care of the flowers they have planted and to see them bloom. The vegetables were ready to be harvested during the period of online learning, so the pupils did not manage to harvest the radishes, parsley, cabbage or cauliflower this season, but we hope next year will be kinder to us and our budding, green-fingered children! 


Sports Day Results

Last week saw St Lawrence College's Sports Day take place, but this time without spectators and on a different day for each year group. Pupils competed in 60 m. races and a tug of war. Despite the change in circumstances, the pupils put on a superb display of sportsmanship and we saw some incredible displays of skill.

Below are the winners of the 60m races for Years 7,8,9 and 10. Well done to all involved!

Yr. 7


  1. Mando Glymakopoulos
  2. Vasiliki Konti
  3. Melina Petric and Aikaterini Mandenaki


  1. Adrian Delaportas
  2. Tristan Shauman
  3. Alexandros Roberts Taoufik

Yr. 8


  1. Estheleen Charalambidi
  2. Zoe Courts
  3. Angeliki Nouvaki


  1. Odysseas Mandenakis
  2. Jack Courts
  3. Mohamed Abdel Fattah

Yr. 9


  1. Marita Katsouridis
  2. Amaryllis Markopoulou
  3. Wang Yifei


  1. Dimitris Valkanis
  2. Jake Grand
  3. Konstantinos Chachaopoulos

Yr. 10


  1. Monica Colombo
  2. Kleopatra Anastasiou
  3. Danni Zhu


  1. Constantinos Iliadis
  2. Louis Ritchie-Clement
  3. Constantinos Voulgaridis

First Lego League 2021

The annual First Lego League Robotics competition took place at the end of May with a slight twist. Teams from around Greece took part in a 'remote', online competition, broadcasting their robots in action from their homes and schools. St Lawrence College's new robotics team was there solving challenges, presenting ideas and impressing the judges with their hard work and dedication. We look forward to next year's live in-person competition and can't wait to get started on a whole new set of challenges to solve.


Reading Champs!

This year the whole junior school has been full of avid readers who have taken on the Reading Challenge with great gusto and a keen desire to reach their goals. With every milestone marked by the award of a badge, there has been much to celebrate. Maria, Bateer, Athina and Olivia achieved the outstanding target of becoming Diamond Readers with a phenomenal total of books read, discussed and described in a variety of ways. Amazing accomplishments worthy of celebration! 
