
40 Year St. Lawrence College Reunion

A ‘40 Year St. Lawrence College Reunion’ took place on Wednesday 18th December. It gave us all great pleasure to see former pupils of the school again, in some cases after many years, and it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up on their news and keep the St. Lawrence community alive.
Over 120 Alumni responded to our invitation. They came to compete against our current school teams in volleyball, football and basketball matches, representing their old school houses of Attica, Epirus and Macedonia. Beyond the sports field, they participated in a number of forensics and debate events. It was a wonderful opportunity to reminisce!
For this event our school decided to support PIKPA VOULAS and through a number of charity drives, ending on the day of the reunion, we managed to raise 6,182 euros to be able to purchase mattresses, which are urgently needed for the beds of the children in the orphanage of PIKPA VOULAS.
Dear alumni, you know that you are always welcome here at St. Lawrence College and it will always be our pleasure to see you. Don’t forget us, keep in touch!

We would like to thank our sponsors without whom this event would not have been possible:


Amigos Mexican Restaurant



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



Greek Book Exhibition

On the 5th and 6th of December, the Greek Department organised a Greek book exhibition which was held by Kalendis Editions. There were many interesting books for all ages and levels. It was a great opportunity for the pupils to choose the books they liked for their Christmas reading.



Cambridge University Schools Debate Competition

On Sunday 8 December, debaters from all over Greece came to St. Lawrence to take part in the Athens round of the Cambridge University Schools Debate Competition. After 4 rounds of high level competition, 3 teams qualified for the finals, which will take place in Cambridge in March. Unfortunately, none of the qualifiers were from St. Lawrence this year (one of our teams came 4th). We wish the qualifiers from I.M. Panagiotopoulos, Moraitis and Pierce College all the best at the finals.

The photo shows some of the debaters preparing for round 3.


Greek Trip to the Theatre

As part of the Greek curriculum, the Greek department organised an educational trip for all Year 7 pupils to watch the play “Odyssey”. Pupils were very enthusiastic about the plot and adventures of Ulysses. They realised the importance of having a goal in their life and working hard to make it happen. They also understood the danger of arrogance and the fact that it is not the destination that matters but the experiences one gains during the journey of life.

Well done to Y7 pupils!


Ancient and Historical Greek Wonders

On Wednesday 20th November 2019, Year 5 pupils who follow the Ancient Greek History course visited the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The pupils toured the Prehistoric Collections including an educational programme on the main characteristics of these civilisations. They focused on architecture, weaponry, pottery, sculpture, wall-paintings, jewellery and burial customs. 

A week later, on Wednesday 27th November, some Year 6 pupils were taken to the Historical Museum of Athens where the Old Parliament is located. The children sat in the old auditorium there and learned about the Greek flag, traditional costumes, Greek heroes of bygone times and the story of the Revolution. They were interested in the Playmobil exhibition there too, which taught them about the past through interactive games.

Where better to learn about the vibrant history of Greece but here in the heart of the capital?


Sports Results

November 14th saw our school take part in the under-16 girls volleyball tournament at ISA school. Six international schools took part. Our team managed to get 1st place after  winning all games played, and in spite of the fact we had the youngest roster(4 Yr. 7 girls included).

On the same day our boys under 16 football team competed at St. Catherine’s school against 5 international schools and took 2nd place losing only in the final against St. Catherine’s school.

Well done to all involved!


Pressing Olives

On Friday 15th November 2019, our youngest pupils in FS1 visited the Cultural Park in Keratea for a little olive farming fun in the sun. The traditional stone press for olives provided an interesting living history experience for them as they learned about where our food comes from and what it takes to make a little oil. 


Good Relations

On the evening of Monday 23rd September, the Chinese Embassy in Psychiko, Athens, held a wonderful celebration for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. A very interesting opportunity was presented to St. Lawrence College by the Embassy when it cordially invited our school to participate.

The St. Lawrence College choir was present and sang both the Greek and Chinese National Anthems, displaying unity and cooperation of these two close nations nurturing their growing relationship. Ms Romeos conducted the choir and Ms Papalamprou accompanied on the piano for this harmonious display of multicultural diversity.


Potty about Pottery!

On Wednesday 27th November 2019, some of our year 6 pupils attended a fascinating pottery workshop in the northern suburbs where they got to experience the use of a potter's wheel and feel the texture of real, wet clay as it oozed between their fingers. Their studies of everyday life in Ancient Greece had led them to appreciate that pottery was not just art, but a way of life for the Ancient Greeks. However, as it is so unfamiliar to our modern hands which are more used to holding a smartphone than a raw material like malleable clay, it was all very exciting! History in real life is very engaging!


Doctors of the World

Ms Mavrikou from Doctors of the World visited our school on Tuesday 26th November to thank our pupils for their generous donation of 1,500€, raised before the summer. She explained how the money will be used to help those in need at their clinics. St. Lawrence College Junior School pupils made a promise to continue their support of this organisation. 


Boogie Nights!

On Friday 22nd November, 2019, Years 4, 5 and 6 headed back to school for an evening of fun at the annual autumn disco party. And what a lot of fun they had! The children danced, shimmied on down under the limbo pole, vied to be chosen to wear a 'Hat' in the dance off, and shared pizzas and drinks too. All round, they had a super time with their friends. Who needs to be a grown up, eh?


St. Lawrence College Canteen goes GREEN

Ms Despina Panagiotopoulou and her team of staff in the canteen have been helping the pupils of St. Lawrence College to do their bit for the planet with the launch of a full range of more environmentally friendly containers, cutlery, napkins, cups and biodegradable straws. A member of the senior school Environmental Club, when asked about her opinion on these changes that have been made in the canteen, commented, ‘With climate change posing a threat to life itself nowadays, it is important to see that our school is taking steps to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Reducing the plastic use in the canteen is showing pupils of all ages that even small actions can have a great impact!’

We are all very proud of the efforts that are being made at our school to reduce our ecological footprints and to consider the future of the planet.


Toy Story

On the 15th of November,Year 1 pupils visited the Toy Museum in Faliro as part of their topic on Old Books and Toys. The children were fascinated as they had never seen so many different kinds of old playthings.They were introduced to the first 'toys' from thousands years ago, learning how they changed through the ages. The children's tour was led by a guide and a doll with a mop. When asked what they thought, the children all agreed, "It was brilliant!"


Walk Like an Egyptian!

On Wednesday 20th November 2019, Year 5 English History students had a fun-filled, fascinating day out at the Archaeological Museum in Athens where they enriched their knowledge of Ancient Egypt. They had the chance to see various Egyptian tools and treasures, but the highlight was definitely an authentic sarcophagus, complete with a real mummy inside!


28th October 2019

In commemoration of the Greek national holiday on 28th October, St Lawrence College junior school put on a terrific performance with acting, singing and dancing. The pupils of year 6 re-enacted scenes set in Epirus at the beginning of the Greek-Italian war when soldiers went off to fight in the mountains of Pindos. There were newspaper boys who shared the news, villagers preparing clothes and blankets for the war effort and the glorious return of victorious soldiers. What a marvellous performance that our talented Ms Tsirigoti, Ms Giannakou and the Greek department put on. 
