
Mini Fire Fighters!

On Monday 13th May 2019, our intrepid little explorers from FS1 and FS2 headed off to the fire station in Hellinikon. This was an important element of real life learning for their unit of study entitled, “People Who Help Us.” Such an experience was very engaging for the children as they experienced so many different sights and sounds from the moment they walked through the door! They got to meet the fire fighters themselves, they learned basic safety rules and they even got the chance to sit behind the wheel of a real fire engine!


Mini Tennis Players!

On Tuesday 14th May 2019, the pupils of the Early Years classes took part in a mini-tennis display lesson at the courts in school. Mini tennis is an exciting opportunity for children to learn valuable fine motor skills in a sporting activity while at school and the children loved having fun as they played.


MUN Participation for St Lawrence College Pupils, Older and Very Young!

During the weekend Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th eleven of our pupils took part in yet another Model United Nations in the American College of Greece representing three countries, DPRK, Slovakia and Equatorial Guinea, as Delegates in various Committees, as diverse as the Disarmament and International Security Committee, the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, the Legal Committee and the Security Council. This time two of our pupils held the position of Chair of two Committees, the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The theme of this Conference was “Digital Citizenship”, an extremely interesting and thought provoking area of discussion. Some of the topics that were debated in the Committees during the three days of intense work were related to the theme of the Conference, like assessing the security and privacy of digital footprints, use of artificial intelligence in medicine, artificial intelligence and robots embedded in the workforce, but others were as diverse as combating political propaganda, impact of military materials on the environment, rejuvenating the economies of former conflict zones, the question of the diminution of the birth index, balancing the roles of public and private sectors in economic growth, the issue of DNA cloning, combating the international obesity and diabetes epidemics, the return and restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin, or the journalistic responsibility and the fight against the spread of false information online.

Taking part in an MUN Conference has become very popular among our pupils, older and younger ones, as young as Year 7, who very bravely sacrificed a whole weekend, debating over long hours on topics that are really challenging for them. As for the old ones, they are used by now to be Chairs of various Committees and to help the younger members of the MUN Club of our school feeling excited as well as informed and prepared. We are all looking forward to our next participation in October, in an MUN Conference which will see one of our pupils as the President of the General Assembly! Well done to all!


Evening of Entertainment

On Thursday 11th April 2019, another marvellous evening of entertainment was held at St Lawrence College. The hall was packed with children from Year 3 all the way up to our most senior pupils, along with their families and friends.

The children took us on a musical journey like you've never been on before with a wide range of classical and modern pieces sung and played by our exceptionally talented pupils. There was everything from Bach to original compositions as well as Musical greats like Never Enough from The Showman and a Queen compilation from the Senior Show Club! ​

Greek dancing created a celebratory atmosphere, the choir warmed our hearts and the performance poetry of our youngest participants brought a smile to every face.  What an amazing way to bring recognition to all our hard working children and their very dedicated teachers. Bravo to all!


No Finish Line 2019

On Thursday 11th and Friday 12th April, the Senior School and Junior School in turn headed off the the Stavros Niarchos Centre in Faliro to participate once again in the famous charity event, No Finish Line. Even though the weather was not on our side this year, the children still made a valiant effort to run as far as they could in the adverse conditions, knowing that every lap counts! 

Bravo to all the pupils and teachers who ran, walked or traipsed around the lake, for once again giving it all you've got for a good cause!


Panhellenic Forensics Tournament

On the 28th – 31st March, the SLC Forensics team of 28 travelled to Thessaloniki, to take part once again at the Panhellenic Forensics Tournament, hosted by Mandoulides School.

After three and a half days of performing and speaking at the various events, the SLC team had 5 finalists and 2 honourable mentions, as well as a debate team in the semi-finals, ranking 4th out of 19 schools in total.

Congratulations to all the participants and their coaches for another very successful year at this prestigious tournament!


Careers Morning

On Wednesday 3 April, ex-pupil Dimitris Samouris was the latest guest speaker at one of our careers mornings. He shared his career story, gave the pupils advice on how to make the most of their time at school and university, and discussed the importance of using the network of St. Lawrence College graduates around the world for advice. After the talk, the pupils broke off into smaller discussion groups. Year 10 spoke about how to identify strengths and interests, Year 11 about future careers, and Year 12 discussed university applications and how to go about choosing where and what to study when they leave school. 


An Insπring Week!

During our March half-term, a special day was celebrated around the world on the 14th of March, the International Pi-Day!  Pi is a mathematical constant having the value 3.14….. (that is the connection to the specific day of March) and is represented by the Greek letter “π”. It is the symbol used in Mathematics to represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and it is one of the defining constants of our Universe.

Pupils and teachers celebrated Pi-Day the week after half-term with several events.


·         measured the circumference of circles and, using hands-on activities, found the relationship with the diameter

·         investigated different relationships between angles in circles as well as areas of squares inscribed in circles

·         and passionately participated in several competitions.


Well done to all the pupils that took part in those competitions and here are winning pupils!

·         Haijie Su (Year 8) who won the competition of pi recitation by reciting the amazing number of 124 digits of π!

·          Delfin Saygi (Year 9) who won the competition of writing the most words beginning with pi in ten minutes, she managed to write 50 different words!

·         Dimitris Thodis (Year 10) who won the competition of inventing the most interesting word using π “rib-π-steak”


All the events were well enjoyed by both pupils and teachers. The celebrations ended with a very successful pie-sale. We, in our department, are very grateful to all pupils and parents who contributed generously to this unique pie-sale. We are happy to inform you that an amount of 410 euros was collected! All the money will be donated, through the Services Society, to charity and more specifically to the children in the Eleonas Refugee Camp.


It was a really insπring week!


SLC Junior Science Fair

On Friday 29th March 2019, the gymmnasium came alive with the buzz of all-things-scientific in our 3rd Annual Junior School Science Fair. There was a truly impressive level of participation from almost every pupil in KS2, and their efforts to show scientific study and learning was awe-inspiring. 84 projects from individuals and groups of friends were on show for all to see. Friends and families poured in to view these projects which varied in the science fields, encompassing biology, ecology, chemistry and physics. 

The judges, the senior school science department, worked tirelessly to interview every single participant and we thank them for their gargantuan effort to closely examine all the projects and then make the extremely difficult decisions about winners in each year group. Not an easy task at all! 

Once again, what we saw was the significant effort and huge amount of learning that this science fair created so a very big 'Well Done' to all who took part. 


Horsin' Around!

On Tuesday 26th March 2019, our littlest tots in St Lawrence were certainly horsing around in the sunshine! As part of their "Animals" topic, FS1 and FS2 classes visited the Antoniou Farm in Kouvara, Attiki. The children were very excited to see a range of ordinary and rather extraordinary farm animals which call it their home. They also had the opportunity to go horse riding which they loved. What a great experience that was!


Carnival Fun

On the last day of this half term, Friday 8th March 2019, there was a wonderful carnival atmosphere as all the pupils and their teachers dressed up for a day of celebration and fun. With a parade around the playground for all to admire each other’s costumes, disco music blasting from the speakers across the playground and party foods including cupcakes, pizzas and all kinds of goodies, the children thoroughly enjoyed a day of special treats before the Bank Holiday weekend for ‘Clean Monday.’


25th March 2019

The celebrations ahead of the long weekend for Greek Independence Day got off to a wonderful start in the Junior School at St Lawrence on Friday 22nd March. The pupils working together with the teachers in the Greek department put on a delightful and touching performance that told the story of the struggles of the Greek people in the fight for independence in 1821.

The children sang, danced and acted their way through a heartwarming performance that brought smiles and tears to their family and friends.What a way to bring history to life! Bravo everyone who participated!


Mathematics Pupils Visit the Herakleidon Museum

On Tuesday the 19th of March, our Year 12 Mathematics A-Level pupils visited the Herakleidon Museum in the centre of Athens. They attended an interactive presentation on the evolution of Mathematics from ancient times until the Middle Ages. Our pupils were given the opportunity to observe an interactive model of the Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient Greek computer, a wonder of the ancient technology that produced extremely accurate astronomical results and much more. The pupils had the chance to understand real-life applications of Mathematics along with admiring other exhibits of ancient technological accomplishments. It was a revealing experience that enlightened them and opened their minds towards the vast world and the beauty of Mathematics and its applications.


Cambridge School Debate Competition

On 2 March 2019 two Year 13 pupils, Rea Karkabi and Isabella Kontogiannis, attended the Cambridge School Debate Competition at the Cambridge University Debating Union in Cambridge, UK. By debating with participants from all over the world, our pupils gained a lot through this challenging experience. We are all extremely proud of them!


Young Engineers

On Monday 25th February 2019, Year 1 went to the Herakleidon Museum in Athens, for a Young Engineers workshop. The children explored this opportunity to problem solve through collaboration in groups as they came to understand simple machines including pulleys, gears, wheels and axles. They were fascinated by Ancient Greek “automata” (automated machines) including a striking wooden servant statue that moved and poured water or wine when a glass was put in her hand. The children saw how the Ancient Greeks had used technology in their temples to make people believe in the gods.
