
Α Scientific Method...

The Scientific Method on show at St Lawrence College

During this year’s Junior School Science Fair held on Friday 10th March, pupils in the junior school showcased their science knowledge and skills by carrying out various scientific experiments.This event is captured in a short clip titled ‘A Scientific Method for a Scientific Investigation’ where pupils followed the scientific method to test their hypothesis.

Not only did our budding young scientists of key stage 2 inspire other little scientists in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 but they also inspired senior school scientists as well! They're ready to take on any challenge now, judging by the looks of things!Congratulations to the children who worked so hard and achieved so much with their dynamic investigating skils.


Being Different Yet United

The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. This holds true no matter where you look around you, and the significance of the idea it portrays was illustrated with care and vitality by the children of Ms Gkogkou's year 5 class on Friday 31st March in their annual class assembly. 

With a thoughtful look at how we are all seem to be so different in our ways according to our cultural norms, the children showed us how similar we really are. They gently reminded us how insignificant our differences are when we look at the bigger picture. Does it matter whether we greet people with a kiss, a hug or a shake of the hand? No, of course not. What really counts is how well we cooperate and get along - seeing our similarities and finding common ground. 

Bravo Year 5 on a super assembly. 


Welcome Fairies!

"I do, I do, I do believe in fairies," chanted Peter Pan to Tinkerbell in Neverland. Oh yes, fairies are always welcome in our garden, yes they are indeed! And as if by special invitation, on Wednesday 29th March, FS1 children spread their little wings and sprinkled sparkling fairy dust all around them to give a little magic to all. During an exciting and very busy morning doing important fairy business, our beautiful fairies made their own fairy bread with special fairy sprinkles! Do you believe in fairies? They hope you do...


Eat, Sleep, Rugby, Repeat!

Well you know what they say, rugby isn't just a game you play, it's a way of life. And boy oh boy were the children of years 5 & 6 finding that out on Tuesday 28th March. The rugby bug has definitely hit our school as the children are starting to feel the pull of this super sport. As it's still early days yet, the children play tag rugby which teaches them how to learn all the important skills of the game without the danger of tackling and body contact. With equally enthusiastic pupils from St Catherine's School to compete against, there was much to play for this week, all in the friendliest of spirits of course. 

Mr Rizos, the rugby coach, was very pleased by the response and feedback he got from staff, pupils and parents who came along to watch. The senior school rugby players who helped to referee were also impressed at the children's drive and determination. Watch this space for more action to come!


25th March

The Senior School celebrated the National Independence Day with a presentation of the Greek National Anthem by the Head of the Greek Department and Senior Mistress, Ms E. Panayiotopoulou. The history of the Greek Revolution, the political and cultural background of that time as well as the philosophy and the feelings of the poet were depicted through the 158 stanzas of Dionysios Solomos’ poem.


Independence Day

Greek Independence Day, 25th March, was celebrated with a fanfare this year in the St Lawrence Junior School. A short play was sweetly performed by the hard-working pupils of Years 5 & 6 in colourful costumes. The theme of the play was the beginning of the Greek Revolution in the Aegean islands. 

Our pupils presented scenes from everyday life of the early 19th century and showed how these islands collaborated to rebel against the Ottoman Empire. Traditional songs and folk dances were skilfully performed by Junior School pupils. The play was written by our very talented Ms Tsirigoti, and she was assisted with the organisation of the whole production by her colleague, Ms Sapountzaki. Well done to all - what a successful celebration it was!
