
A Slam Dunk for the Boys!

On Thursday 26th January, the St Lawrence College boys' basketball team participated in a tournament for Years 7 & 8, hosted by Campion School. Four international schools of Athens participated and our boys triumphed, as they won all three games, getting 1st place!

As always, we are extremely proud, and will see them on the courts again soon.


The Pitter Patter of Little Paws

The pitter patter of little paws were audible in the Early Years section of the Junior School on Friday 27th January at another exciting pet day for our youngest pupils. The children were eager to touch their new found furry friends and they enthusiastically learned how to act sensibly in front of unfamiliar creatures.

Goldie the fish swam in circles - well what else does a fish do? Sarah the cat arched her back as she was gently stroked, and the dogs, Uma and Alvin, were happy to make friends as their wagging tails showed. A caring touch is indeed a welcome touch for man and beast alike!



Find out what it means to me! Well that's what the classes of KS2 were able to do on Friday, 27th January, when Ms Bondiotis' Year 3 class treated everyone to an entertaining performance about the need to respect other people. They took the audience of fellow pupils and family members through a scenario where the awful Mr Rude had to learn an important lesson about why it was so important to treat others as you'd want them to treat you. He changed his mind in the end, didn't he?

What a super job the class did of showing us the way to behave!


Pupils get Active for Turtle Conservation

In this week’s Senior School assemblies, pupils had the opportunity to learn about the turtle conservation work undertaken by the NGO, Archelon over the last 30 years. Mrs Anthoula, the Archelon Education officer, spoke about the challenges that these Mediterranean sea creatures face. She told them about the importance of NGOs having volunteers and it was inspiring to see our older pupils’ eagerness to sign up to assist this charity in their free time. Also, Sadin Abdul Fattah presented Mrs Anthoula with 520 euros that our pupils and staff had raised by running 5km and 10km races on the day on the Athens marathon in November. These funds will help to contribute towards the rehabilitation and care of the injured sea turtles that currently reside in Glyfada.


Saving the Planet, one Tree at a Time

The Environmental Club members spent lunch time today planting olive trees in the school grounds to help improve our local environment. Everybody had a great time and it felt fantastic to help the planet!



A Pay-it-Forward Advent Calendar

For the month of December, the pupils of the Junior school were asked to approach the idea of an advent calendar in a very thoughtful, generous way. Instead of receiving a treat each day, they were asked to bring in a small donation of necessary supplies for children being hosted at the Kivotos tou Kosmou (Ark of the World) in Athens. This charity was selected for the admirable work it does in helping children and families of refugees from many parts of the world.

The children of St Lawrence and their families made a huge contribution, sending in packets of food, clothing and other essentials which were then taken by a representative group of children on 20th December, to the main building and centre of Ark of the World in Kolonos, Athens. Pupils got to see firsthand just how much valuable work is done by this charity and how important it is for us all to continue our support for it.

Well done to all and thank you for lending a helping hand once again.
