
St. Lawrence Sports Reunion 2016!

Were you once a St. Lawrence College athlete or member of one of our school teams? Then we look forward to seeing you in the biggest Sports Reunion EVER! 

On Tuesday December 20th, 2016, St. Lawrence College P.E Dept. invites you to a Sports Day full of fun.  If you were once a member of our volleyball, basketball or football teams, find your old team mates and come and join us in the most fascinating tournament where past meets the future and memories bring us together!

Check the date, book your flights and if you are planning to attend let us know by e-mail with the subject: sports16 and you will receive further details.

The deadline for submission of participation e-mail is Monday 21st November 2016.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you all in December, for an unforgettable event!


Adventures in Reception Class

'It is a happy talent to know how to play,' Ralph Emerson.   

And learning through play has been producing huge smiles recently. Some of our youngest pupils, the 5-year-olds in Reception class, have been having a whale of a time lately here at school, and on trips to other adventurous destinations too. While learning about the letters of the alphabet during October, V for Volcano made a particularly spectacular impression with mini-erupting volcanoes made from vinegar, food colouring and baking soda to liven up their day! In addition, the topic of Journeys ended with a game of 'Going on a Bear Hunt' around the revamped classroom environment with long wavy grass and oozing sticky mud! Then on Monday, 7th November, it was time to trek off to Paradise Park in Aharnes for an entertaining day of puppetry. Wooden puppets were creatively painted and decorated and there was even time to take a ride on Marino the pony and play on the trampoline before returning to school, tired but happy. Oh what fun it would be to be five again!



On Wednesday 2nd November our Year 6 pupils who follow the Greek History course of study enjoyed a trip to the well-known ship, the Giorgios Averof armoured cruiser which is on permanent display in Palaio Faliro, Athens.They participated in an educational programme on the Balkan Wars and World Wars I & II. In addition, they experienced what everyday life on a battleship was like through observing original source material of objects and artefacts from those times.
The Greek teachers who accompanied the children were warmly congratulated on their pupils’ excellent behaviour and their academic knowledge. Bravo Year 6!


Prehistoric Painting!

On Wednesday, 2nd November, Year 6 enjoyed an active 'History Day' which was part of this term's 'Stone Age to Iron Age' course. In particular, it followed on from a lesson on cave paintings. Thus, the children walked around the school grounds and gathered twigs, leaves, berries, flowers, olives, soil, anything that could be of use for them to create their own 'cave paintings.' The children even created their own paintbrushes with the materials they collected and let their imaginations run wild, back to the Stone Age, producing some amazing results. It was an incredibly creative and fun day where children were allowed freedom to express themselves with Mother Nature's help!


Shades of Autumn

Friday 14th October saw an awesome Autumn Festival here at St Lawrence College with the warm weather on our side once again. The pumpkins contributed by our dedicated families were amazing – they ranged from the scariest, funniest and cleverest to the cutest designs you can imagine! Hot dogs and smoky souvlakis were enjoyed by many guests and the stalls offering everything from candy floss to soap on a rope and costume accessories gave everybody plenty to look at and buy. With the end of October approaching fast, it feels just right to be celebrating the onset of colder seasons ahead. Roll on Winter!
