
Our Words

On Friday 18th November 2016, 6R kicked off the year of class assemblies with a refreshing look at how what we say affects everyone else. Your gallery with be rendered here"Our Words" played several scenes around how we show respect - or don't - to our parents; how gossips can make others' lives a misery with Tabitha Talkalot tormenting the villagers; and how Aesop's tale of 'Food for Thought' taught everyone the real meaning of tongues and the good, or bad, they can do. Bravo Year 6 on a seriously entertaining topic!


Talking Heads!

Friday and Saturday 18th and 19th November saw a number of Senior School pupils take a commanding role in the annual Deree Invitational Debate. A number of novice debaters as well as more experienced Seniors who are on the National Team shortlist, as well as a former pupil who was a National Team member, participated in the event and certainly made their mark.

Results of particular note were that Tess Poulimenakou made an admirable 3rd place in the Novice category, Nicholas Short reached the semi-final, Rosie Vorri reached the hard-fought final and Achileas Papadimitriou earned overall 2nd place on speaker tabs out of almost 180 participants in the competition. Round of applause please for all who took part! Onwards and upwards!


More Celebrations for the Volleyball Team

On Monday 14 November St Lawrence College school hosted an under-16 volleyball tournament between 5 Athens international schools. After several exciting matches our school was crowned the winner, taking 1st place after beating all 4 other competitors.

Meanwhile, at the American Community School, our boys were taking part in a football tournament, in which they managed 3rd place out of 6 competing schools.

Our sports teams never fail to make us proud and we look forward to the next competition.


Lest we Forget

This Remembrance Sunday, 13th November 2016, St Lawrence College staff, parents and pupils were invited to attend the memorial service held at the Commonwealth Cemetery in Palaio Faliro, Athens.

A very moving service was held in which a number of distinguished diplomats including the British Ambassador, Mr John Kittmer and the US Ambassador Mr Geoffrey Pyatt, as well as war veterans and other senior military officials, laid wreaths in commemoration of those who died in war.

There was a reading of Kenny Martin's poem 'I went to see the soldiers' by our Head Pupil and a beautiful rendition of Shawn Hook's moving song, 'Soldier' by the Junior School choir, under the tuition of our music teacher and choir leader, Ms Clare Bakewell. It was a special occasion to be a part of, and warmly received by all guests. Well done to the childen for their sincere participation.

