
Pet Day!

To start off their new topic of Animals with a bang, the Early Years' classes had a few special visitors in school today, 1st March 2019. They were visitors of the four legged or no legged variety!

Pets are part of many families, but even the children who do not have pets at home were very interested in the dogs, cats and fish that came to visit us today. Everyone learned a lot about what we need to do in order to take care of  pets and keep them happy. The children had the opportunity to interact with their friends' pets and learn lots about them. 


Swimming Success

On Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd March, St Lawrence College participated in the ACS International swimming cup 2019.

14 schools participated and our school competed with 15 athletes, winning an amazing 7 medals. Congratulations to the following pupils, and everyone involved!

Mylonas Aggelos

50 freestyle 1 bronze M.

Syriopoulos Aggelos

50 freestyle 1 bronze M.

100 freestyle 1 gold M.

100 Medley 1 silver M.

Philipopoulos Phaedon

100 freestyle 1 silver M.

100 Medley 1 bronze M.

Dimitrakopoulou Christina

50 Breastroke 1 silver M.

Total 7 Medals


Hands-On Computer Science

This week in Computer Science, pupils have been creating their own 'wire buzz' games using the BBC Microbit as a microcontroller. Pupils programmed the game to detect when the metal wire is touched and even store the score of the player. Some even extended this to implement a high score leaderboard. Impressive stuff!


Our Vision

Vision Statement

Our school is one community, united in our respect for each other and ourselves; tolerant of differences and proud of our diversity; honest and positive about our learning and behaviour every day.



On Friday 15th February 2019, the Early Years classes held a Superheroes Day. It was an important part of their Make Believe topic for learning these past few weeks. Our tiny tots really enjoyed dressing up as their favourite superheroes and were quick to see that we all have strengths we barely even realise are inside us. What a fun way to learn!



On Wednesday 13th February 2019, Year 6 headed off to Gaia, the Earth section of the well-known Goulandris Museum in Kifissia, Athens. Having studied a fascinating science unit on the environment at school since this Spring term began, the children were well-prepared to respond to our guides' questions and quizzes during the visit. Information about how humans affect the Earth was shared and displays about our precious natural resources were discussed. A very valid experience was had by all.


Learning through Play

On Monday 4th February 2019, the Early Years children went on a wonderful outing to Playmobil as part of their 'Make Believe' unit of learning this term. Out delighted youngsters really enjoyed small world play and were given the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings through imaginative play. They were able to create both real-life and fantasy worlds using the figures, both big and small. What super fun they had!


Mini Basketball Fun!

On Friday 1st February 2019, a grand total of 201 pupils from St Lawrence, ACS, DES, Campion, Byron and St Catherine's participated in a fantastic inter-schools friendly here at St Lawrence. The children aged ten and eleven, battled it out with a smile and a barely hidden competitive edge! Well done to all who played; we look forward to the next round wherever it may be held!


Basketball Success

On Friday 1st February, the St Lawrence College year 7 & 8 boys and girls basketball teams took part in a tournament at Campion school. 5 international school participated in the boys tournament and 3 in the girls. After what was an incredible show of skill and determination, St Lawrence finished 1st place in both tournaments. 

Congratulations to all!


St Lawrence Head to Scotland

A Universities Tour in Scotland was organised for Sixth Form pupils this January. The trip took place between 23 - 26 January and included visits to five Scottish universities: the University of Edinburgh, the University of  Glasgow, the University of Strathclyde, the Heriot-Watt University and the University of St. Andrews.  In all universities, the visits included an information talk on the higher education system and the admissions process, and a campus tour by student ambassadors. Apart from the universities the pupils experienced city tours in the Edinburgh, Glasgow and St. Andrews, they visited the Edinburgh Castle, the Mary Kings Close, the Castle and the Cathedral of St. Andrews, and they attended 'War Horse', a National Theatre performance. Finally, they had a city tour in Munich on their way back.


All the World's a Stage!

And when the English Theatre Company comes to visit, that's certainly how it seems in the school hall! On Tuesday 5th February 2019, Early Years, Reception & Year 1 were treated to a rendition of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', Years 2, 3 & 4 watched 'Robin Hood and the Golden Honey' and Years 5 & 6 were highly amused at their hilarious version of Romeo & Juiet called 'Love versus Hate!' 

The children laughed and were totally enthralled by each and every performance. Thank you to the talented actors for their energetic efforts once again!


500 Years of Genius!

Leonardo Da Vinci- 500 years of Genius was the exhibition that inspired and educated our young scientists and artists in years 4 & 5 when they visited on Friday 1st February 2019. Replicas of some of Da Vinci's most ingenious inventions were on display to be admired and marvelled at from up close in Gazi, Athens. A well-informed guide took the children through the objects of curiosity on display and taught the children what they were all about. it was fascinating and well-worth a visit!


Gymnastics Success

We are exceptionally proud of one of our very own St Lawrence pupils soaring to success in an international gymnastics competition held in Livadia, central Greece. On saturday 26th January, ten year old Estheleen Charalabidi won silver medal in the floor exercises, the hoop, and seventh place overall. 

Considering this was a prestigious international competition with stiff competition from overseas, this was a notable achievement, therefore we wish her hearty congratulations on her prize. Bravo! 



During the long weekend of Friday 14th to Sunday 16th December 2018, sixteen pupils of our school from Year 7 up to Year 13 took part in the 13th Costeas-Geitonas School Model United Nations (CGSMUN). Our pupils represented Germany and United Arab Emirates in various committees, such as the Disarmament and International Security Committee, the Economic and Financial Committee, the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Human Rights Council (HRC), the Environmental Commission (EC), the Special Conference on “Global Health Inequalities” (SPECON) and the International Court of Justice.

The pupils debated and proposed resolutions to international matters as diverse as Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean (especially in the Middle East and Northern Africa), Reform of the IMF and the World Bank, Preservation of endangered languages and dialects, Ensuring access to water and sanitation for all, Challenges to successful implementation of HIV and AIDS-related health policies, Promotion of vaccination to interrupt community-wide outbreaks, Youth mental health in the digital era, Ensuring access to education in refugee camps, Towards a green transportation infrastructure,  The impact of climate change, desertification and land degradation on global health or the Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

On this occasion, not only did two of our pupils act as Committee chairs, the Disarmament and International Security and the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committees respectively, but a Year 12 pupil was a Judge in the International Court of Justice and was voted the best Judge. Our participant in Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), representing Germany, was also voted the best delegate of the Committee. Both awards are given to participants for their hard work and preparation as well as their excellent presentation and contribution during the three days of the Conference. This year Ms Evangelia Tzironi, a lawyer and asylum expert, who works in the UN Refugee Agency in Athens, visited our school and addressed the members of the M.U.N. Club who had the opportunity to engage in interesting discussions with her as part of their preparation for the Conference. Her help was greatly appreciated and we are all looking forward to her visiting us again to provide our pupils with more insight into the work of the United Nations. And as always all old members of the M.U.N. Club as well as any interested new pupils are welcome to join our next participation in April 2019.


Services Society Christmas 2018 Projects

The Services Society of our school has being really active this Christmas. With the help and support of parents, the members of St Lawrence College Services Society helped, as they have done for several years now, the Soup Kitchen in Anavyssos - Saronida, and two new charities and shelter providers, FAROS in the centre of Athens who take care of unaccompanied refugee children, and ECHO100PLUS in Leros who take care of refugees arriving at the island, on a daily basis almost, having survived the terrible crossing of the Aegean Sea.

The most important project that the members of Services Society underwent was the launch of the SHOEBOX Campaign. For that they packed a box for a girl or a boy of various age groups with things like toothpaste and toothbrushes, hair combs, soap, shampoo and deodorant, colouring books and colouring pencils, small toys and puzzles, items of clothing such as T-shirts, gloves, hats or warm socks and always a small book for them to read. We managed to produce 160 boxes full of these items! 30 of these boxes were given to the soup kitchen in Anavyssos - Saronida together with a lot of food items that the pupils themselves bought in a visit to a local supermarket using some of the money collected at the Autumn Festival through various games played that evening on our school’s playground. The other 130 boxes were given to FAROS children who were reportedly very excited and happy to receive them. We, in Services Society, sincerely hope to make the SHOEBOX Campaign an annual event for our school, an event that will grow bigger and bigger every year.

We also helped ECHO100PLUS with their request of gathering coats, shoes and clothes needed desperately for refugee men arriving in the far away island of Leros. These items were either kindly donated by parents or bought using some of the Autumn Festival gathered money.

The act of giving matters! To those who receive, since it reduces their feelings of isolation and loneliness, and reminds them that they are not ignored or forgotten but they are valued members of our society. To those who give, since it brings people together and works towards giving a human face to the broad issue of poverty which should be eradicated completely from this world. And our pupils gave with all their heart, not only goods that can be bought with money but by sacrificing numerous lunchtimes and free periods to produce presents for other children who they have never even met. Our pupils make us proud and yes, they make us think that we all work towards a better world.
