
Fire Fire!

In May this term, we were very lucky indeed to be visited by the Vari Fire station crew who taught many of our young children about fire safety at home. The children from our Early Years FS1 & FS2 classes, Reception and Years 1 and 2 were shown how to evacuate a smoky space. They learned the phone number – 112 – to call in an emergency. They learned about the danger of matches, electrical appliances and they even got to wear a hardhat and hold onto a water hose from a fire truck and work with a real-life fire fighter!


Tennis tournaments

On the 16th and 20th of May, pupils from the senior school tennis team participated in tournaments hosted by ACS. With over 40 players competing, our pupils excelled, securing spots on the podium.

In the girls U18 tournament, Maria Muratova achieved an outstanding 1st place finish! In the girls U14 tournament, Vera Muratova and Callista Mikaelian showcased their skills, finishing in 2nd and 3rd place respectively.

Congratulations to all the participants for their hard work and dedication!


Let’s Walk for the Burn Survivors of Greece: A Community United

On 21st May 2024, St. Lawrence College organised a charity event in aid of Salvia, the Greek Association of Burn Survivors.
The sponsored walk took place on our school grounds, transforming a typical day into one of compassion and unity. The event was more than just a walk; it demonstrated the incredible spirit of our school community coming together with the shared purpose of supporting an important and worthy cause.

We thank Salvia for all the important information we have been able to share with our pupils through our PSHE lessons on fire and burn prevention.

A special thank you goes to Zagori and Mr. Chitos for their kind donation of water for the event, keeping us all hydrated as we walked.

We also extend our thanks to the British Embassy for their assistance in translating and printing informative leaflets on burns, burn treatment and burn survivors rehabilitation.


Run for a good cause

We are thrilled to announce that our school was proudly represented by pupils from Years 4, 5, and 9 at this year’s No Finish Line event held at OAKA on Thursday, May 16th, and Friday, May 17th.
A total of 223 of our pupils and teachers participated with immense joy and enthusiasm, contributing to the biggest charity run for children in need. Our school's dedication and spirit were truly remarkable.
Our school finished in 5th place out of 24 participating schools and 12th out of 112 teams, accumulating an incredible total of 1,733 kilometres.
A huge congratulations and well done to everyone who came and gave it their all during this event! Your hard work and commitment have made a significant impact.


IA Bronze expedition to the island of Kea

Congratulations to our International Award Bronze team for successfully completing their final expedition last weekend, marking the end of their IA programme. The Year 10 pupils embarked on a two-day hike on the island of Kea for two days, culminating in a refreshing swim at Pisses beach, where they also camped for a night, cooked their own meals and bonded under the starry sky.
Throughout the IA programme the pupils demonstrated resilience, stretching their comfort zone and trying new things. We hope that the skills and experiences gained from this programme will benefit them in their future endeavours. We are proud of their achievements and the personal growth each student has shown. Well done to everyone!


A Rock-Climbing Experience for Year 9

On Friday 12th April our Year 9 pupils began their journey to Mount Parnassos eager for the adventure that awaited them.

Upon arriving in the region of Amfissa, we were warmly greeted by the climbing experts of Trekking Hellas. With their guidance, we embarked on a scenic hike to reach the climbing area of "Portes." After a refreshing picnic, our guides wasted no time in imparting the fundamental rules and techniques of climbing, which we eagerly put into practice on the natural rock walls. With ten different climbing routes of varying difficulty set up by the Trekking Hellas team, every participant found their perfect challenge.

The following day we returned to the climbing area for another day of adventure. Under the watchful eye of our guides, we developed our climbing skills even more, pushing ourselves to new heights with each ascent.

As we bid farewell to Delphi Valley and embarked on our journey back to Athens, we couldn't help but reflect on the memories created during our time together. Our adventure in Mount Parnassos was more than just a physical achievement; it was a testament to the spirit of exploration and bonded us as a group. As we eagerly anticipate our next escapade, we carry with us the memories of cliffs conquered and friendships strengthened!


A Bonny Easter Parade

On the last day of the Spring term, the pupils of the junior school participated in our annual Easter bonnet Parade. It was a delightful exhibition of creativity and togetherness which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children and staff. 

A chocolate Easter egg was the much sought after prize to the best hat in each year group, although it was a difficult decision for the judges!

Congratulations to all who took part in this traditional celebration!


"I like to move it move it!" say our little ones.

On 24th and 25th April, our youngest pupils in Early Years and Reception classes had tremendous fun in their presentation days for families and friends. The children demonstrated a wide variety of exercises which they had prepared for this term in their action packed PE lessons. 

Additionally, these Early Years children dazzled the audience with a sweet dance choreography crafted by Ms. Katsogianni. The whole event was a delightful celebration of their progress and their commitment to staying active and healthy!

Thank you to all the parents who joined us and supported their children.


Charity Ninjas

During the spring term, the Years 4, 5, and 6 Charity Ninjas embarked on the ‘Freerice Group Challenge’, a trivia game with a humanitarian twist. Armed with tablets and determination, pupils competed to answer questions, earning 10 grains of rice for each correct response to support the United Nations' World Food Programme. After four weeks of spirited competition, the Year 4 team emerged victorious, donating an impressive 60,670 grains of rice. Their success highlights their commitment to global citizenship and making a meaningful impact on the world. Congratulations once again to our Charity Ninjas for their outstanding achievement!


That Bunny Life!

On a sunny Friday morning this Spring, the Year 3 children were very lucky to have four special visitors come to their classrooms. The children were delighted to see and learn all about the habits, needs and appearance of these baby rabbits which are actually known as “kittens”.

The children sat calmly and asked our 'bunny experts', their responsible and knowledgeable owners, many questions about caring for such young creatures. They were the cutest little visitors Year 3 has ever had!


Oasis Park Adventures

On Friday 19th April, our Early Years classes visited the ‘Oasis Activity Farm Park’ to reflect on their learning about their current topic of ‘Animals’. There, they met a variety of farm animals including donkeys, ponies, ducks and chickens which coexist freely, harmoniously and naturally at Oasis Park.

Some of the activities our pupils participated in included feeding the animals and visiting the horses in their stables, where they could brush them. As well as getting to meet the friendly farm animals, the children thoroughly enjoyed participating in musical games, riding pedal-karts and enjoying a fun Easter egg hunt!


Career Opportunities

St. Lawrence College takes enormous pride in its teaching and support staff, who are the school’s most precious resource.

Staff at St. Lawrence College enjoy an outstanding working environment with access to top quality training and support.

Our school takes a proactive and vigorous approach to safeguarding the security and wellbeing of its pupils. Consequently, full background checks will always be pursued before any applicant is employed by the school. Moreover, every applicant for any position will be sent the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

When seeking to recruit, St. Lawrence College will employ by advertising openings in the appropriate media as well in this section of the school website.

We welcome applications from qualified, passionate, driven people, who would like to join our community and help us to achieve our goals. Such individuals should email us and attach their CV and covering letter (both in English).

Any CV sent to the school will be handled in confidence according to the school’s Privacy Policy.

Teachers of secondary/senior school subjects should submit an up-to-date CV and covering letter, in English, to addressed to Mr Phil Holden, The Headmaster of St. Lawrence College.

Teachers or classroom assistants for Early Years or the primary/junior school should submit an up-to-date CV and covering letter, in English, to addressed to Ms Shona Good, The Headmistress of the Junior School of St. Lawrence College.

 St. Lawrence College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.  Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers, local authorities and the Disclosure and Barring Service in the UK.


Sports days 2024

Over the past couple of weeks, the annual sports days and running events took place for the junior school and high school pupils.
Pupils in years 1,2 & 3 took part in their annual flat races and their sports day incorporated 9 different displays of skills which they have worked on throughout the year. Whereas pupils in year 4-9 took part in track & field events such as running, high jump, long jump, tug of war and shot put.
This was the first year our pupils of years 4 and up enjoyed using the brand-new track and they managed to set many new school records in various events.
Junior school and high school pupils alike worked hard leading up to these events, and created sporting memories that will last them a lifetime.
Thank you to all the parents who were in attendance cheering from the sidelines and made the events that much more memorable!


IA Bronze expedition to Mt Helicon

Congratulations to our International Award Bronze team who completed one more expedition last weekend! This time the Bronze team went to Mt Helicon for two days of hiking and one night of camping under the stars. Over the two days, the IA pupils completed two hikes in the mountain practising basic orientation and navigation skills. On Saturday night they cooked and camped in the mountain while enjoying the company of their friends, and on Sunday they headed back home after their morning hike. Well done to all of them!


SLC Success at the 2024 Panhellenic Forensics Tournament

This year’s Panhellenic Forensics Tournament took place on 4-7 April, hosted by Mandoulides Schools in Thessaloniki. 22 schools with over 400 participants competed in the various events: Duet Acting, Oral Interpretation of Literature, Oratory, Impromptu Speaking, Group Discussion and Debate.


With a very strong and enthusiastic team of 24 pupils, SLC achieved 2nd place overall, with 6 Finalists in total!


Our finalists were:

  • Troy Mikaelian (Year 10) – Group Discussion
  • Kimberly Wang (Year 11) – Dramatic Oral Interpretation of Literature
  • Koralia Datsiou (Year 10) – Comic Oral Interpretation of Literature
  • Katerina Athanasopoulou (Year 13) + Michael Ziogas (Year 11) – Comic Duet
  • Elise Katholos (Year 11) + Thea Colson (Year 11) – Comic Duet
  • Sasha Frangos (Year 12) + Andres Van Meek (Year 12) – Comic Duet


Koralia Datsiou, and Katerina Athanasopoulou and Michael Ziogas won 1st place in their categories!


Congratulations to everyone who participated and helped make this such a great team!
