
The Show Must Go On!

On Friday 18th May 2018, the junior school was treated to a visit by the raucously hilarious English Theatre Company. Their series of shows kicked off with 'The Crab and the Little Mermaid'  for Early Years, Reception & year 1, then 'The Emperor' for years 2, 3 & 4 and finally closed with 'Charlie' for years 5 & 6 in the afternoon. The theatre company had the children laughing as they watched the actors take over the cultural hall. No performance went without a good dose of audience participation and plenty of children got the chance to join the actors on stage and show off their own acting talents! 

A super set of entertaining episodes we'd all agree!


Tennis Tournaments

On Friday 11th May, our school participated in the under-16 tennis tournament at St. Catherine’s school. Our girls’ teams got 2nd and 3rd place in doubles. Christina Sideri and Ravena Zanara achieved 2nd place while Delfin Seygi and Raphaella Dimitrakopoulou got 3rd. 5 international schools took part in the tournament and all of our pupils showed amazing determination.

On Thursday 17th May, it was the turn of the under-14s with their tennis tournament taking place at ACS. Again, 5 international schools of Athens participated, and both our boys and girls took 1st places in doubles; Elizabeth Dimitrellou with Delfin Seygi in girls doubles, and Ivan Cado with Harutaka Ominato in boys doubles.

Well done to everyone involved!


Senior School Sports Day 2018

On Thursday 10th May, St Lawrence College hosted the annual Senior School sports day. The day proved to be a thrilling success with many new school records being set by some extremely impressive sportspeople.

The following new school records occured:

Year 9 Shot Put
Vasilis Kotsonis, 13.42.   

Year 7 High Jump
Monica Colombo, 1,33. 
Harutaka Ominato, 1,41

Yr. 8 Long Jump
Two boys achieved a new school record of 1.52: Marios Djionis and Leandros Mandilaris


Year 7 Long Jump
Harutaka Ominato,3.75

Year 8 Long Jump
Daphne Votsis 4.05


The final house points were:

Epirus: 1150

Attica : 890

Macedonia: 960


Right on Track

On Thursday 3rd May 2018, the pupils of year 3 took a guided tour of the wonderful Railway Museum of Athens which is located near the centre. As the children are learning about railways of past and present times, it was a particularly worthwhile trip for them to do. Their guide taught them a range of fascinating facts about locomotives in particular and they even got to sit inside some amazingly different carriages from bygone eras. The smiles on their faces showed their enjoyment of a fun day out with lots to learn.


Science is Cool!

On Thursday 3rd May 2018, both Reception classes visited the interesting and educational museum called Planet Physics for an extension to the learning that has been going on in earnest in their science lessons.

Reception pupils are currently engaged in learning about space: our solar system, its planets; the stars and the moon. Our potential atronauts of the future saw a variety of scientific instruments: a plasma ball, a tsunami tank and a free-fall experiment to prove Galileo Galilei’s theory of how fast different objects fall to the ground.

Finally, the children made the most of their trip when they participated in an interactive and well thought-out theatrical activity about planets. A super trip for our little ones! 


Trip to the Digital Museum

On Thursday 3rd May 2018, year 6 went on a trip to the Digital Museum/ Ακαδαμία Πλάτωνος in Athens. As part of the History curriculum this year, both the Greek language History class and the English language History class have studied the great thinkers of the past and learned about the culture of Ancient Athens, its philosophers and its famous people. 

The children enjoyed visiting this small, modern museum with its computer screens and video rooms as well as walking to the adjacent ruins of Plato’s gymnasium and academy. Exploring this city’s history on our doorstep is a treat not to be missed!


No Finish Line 2018

On Thursday 26th and Friday 27th April 2018, 413 pupils, staff members and parents from St Lawrence College made a fantastic contribution to the world-famous charity sporting event known as No Finish Line. The Senior School took its turn first as they ran the circuit at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center on Athens' southern coast. They were followed by the Junior School taking its turn the next day and with even more participants, they exceeded the impressive number of km run on Thursday. In total, St Lawrence College ran an astounding 2997km and in fact won the Champions' Trophy for the greatest overall distance of any of the eleven participating schools as well as 3rd place overall from all organisations who took part! The highest individual distances were the 32 km run by Mr Dimitris Karakostas and 22 km from an 11 year old pupil with a lot of energy, stamina and determination: Konstantinos Chachamopoulos! 

Congratulations to everyone who participated in putting both charity and fitness at the top of their priority lists - a winning combination I can tell you!


An Evening of Entertainment

On Thursday 26th April 2018, a wonderful evening of entertainment was held at the school. Children from both the Junior and Senior schools returned for an event in which they showed off a marvellous array of talents and skills that they have been working at for some time in preparation for the show. There were young dancers from our Junior Dance and Movement Club; Ms Tsirigoti's Senior and Year 6 Greek Dance Clubs; pupils in the Senior Drama Club; our choir, the St Lawrence Singers; as well as a wide range of musicians who receive tuition at school on instruments ranging from the piano, the violin, the guitar and drums too. 

The audience was delighted to view such a fine combination of pieces: both dramatic and musical, both traditional and modern. Congratulations are in order to all who took part, pupils and staff, as their efforts resulted in a successful evening all round. Well done to all!


Run, Run, As Fast As You Can!

On Wednesday 25th April, the whole of the Junior school spent an enjoyable morning on the field for the competitive running events between Macedonia, Epirus and Attica, our three houses. The children ran girls' and boys' heats to qualify, then the top three of each took part in the final. The relay races were also nail-biting affairs as the children bolted around the track with a baton firmly in their grip! 

We eagerly awaited the next stage in the sporting calendar - the Circuits Sports Days, which were held on 16th and 17th May! Over 2 days our energetic, skillful pupils in key stages 1 and 2 gave their all in the name of sportsmanship and healthy competition. Years 4, 5 and 6 even managed to pull of amazing tug-of-war matches which really tested their mettle. Fantastic results all round!

We await the high jump finals on 1st June. Watch this space!


Unforgettable Trips for our Little'uns!

During this summer term, the Early Years classes have been keeping busy with learning in and out of school. On Monday 23rd April, the FS1 and FS2 classes went to the zoo where they saw lots of different animals and even got the chance to pet some of them. Everyone's favourite was the amazing dolphin show as they loved watching the dolphins jump and splash the water with their flippers.

Then on 10th May the children took a trip to ever-exciting fire station to reinforce their learning in the topic of ‘People Who Help Us’. They learnt about the special helmets and clothes the fire fighters wear to protect them from fire, and they were even allowed to take turns spraying water with the hose.

What fun they're having in Early Years! 
