Junior School Sports Day 2021

Junior School

During the week of 7th June, the Junior School had their sports day activities with a host of winners to celebrate! 60m running race results were as follows:


Year 1 Boys & Girls

First: Leonidas Anastasiadis
Second: Theseas Antonakoglou
Third: Thomas Pagonis
First: Aelia Vassiliades
Second: Patricia Koutkovska
Third: Sophia Pedersen


Year 2 Girls & Boys

First: Maria Pavlis
Second: Anais Vassiliades
Third: Eleonora Katsifarakis
First: Alexandros Maniatis
Second: Milan Farel Boumal
Third: Romeo Petric


Year 3 Boys & Girls

First: Malo Mounie
Second: Archer Ritz
Third: Liam Schauman
First: Erato Kitrilaki
Second: Elizabeth Callitsi Third: Anna Pavlides


Year 4 Girls & Boys

First: Ellie Koutsogiannis
Second: Mila Petrosian
Third: Isabella Fotineli
First: Panagiotis Maroudas
Second: Emmanuel Adamantiadis
Third: Spiros Poulis


Year 5 Boys & Girls

First: Alexandros Valkanis
Second: Miran Kourounlian
Third: Nikolai Potter
First: Taraneh Fazel
Second: Panagiota Karakosta
Third: Lauren Koutsogiannis


Year 6 Girls & Boys

First: Vivian Glymakopoulos
Second: Myrto Charalabidi
Third: Sophia Lalioti
First: George Depolo
Second: Leon Raptis
Third: Sotiris Zafeirakis


The tug of war competitions got the pulses racing too, with our three house teams giving it their all to win! The children certainly made the most of being in school and enjoying these classic sports competitions!
