IA Silver expedition to Mt Taygetus

Senior School

Last weekend, our International Award Silver team successfully completed a rigorous three-day hike in the Taygetus mountain. Setting off from Athens early on Friday morning, they began their first hike at noon upon arriving at the Magganiari Spring, their starting point. Spirits were high as the team embarked on their journey, despite the challenging uphill trek that lay ahead. By early evening, they reached their campsite near the Taygetus refuge, where they promptly set up their tents and prepared a hearty meal.
On the second day, they faced the longest hike of the weekend. Navigating the rugged terrain like real explorers, they put into practice the extensive skills they have honed over the past two years in the IA program. As the sun set, they enjoyed a well-deserved hot meal at the campsite, sharing stories of the day's adventures and the breathtaking views they had encountered.
On the final day, Monday, they embarked on an early morning hike. Determined to make the most of their last day in the mountains, they set off with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Impressively, they managed to beat the clock and complete the hike earlier than expected, a testament to their growing proficiency and endurance.
Congratulations to the entire team on their outstanding achievement! Well done to all of them!
