As the issue of protecting the environment is becoming more and more crucial, the Greek Department invited the author and environmental educator, Mrs. Ioanna Fokou, to our school on Thursday 24th November 2022 to present her new book “Το παράπονο του πετρελαίου που έγινε κηλίδα” to Years 4, 5 and 6.
Our pupils met the author and participated in an interactive environmental and educational programme about ways to protect the environment through different activities, quizzes, and experiments.
All the pupils that attended the presentation purchased the book signed by the author, who, we should mention, offers all the money earned to “Φλόγα” (floga.org.gr) an organization for families with children that suffer from cancer.
We hope that Mrs Fokou will visit our school again to present another interesting and informative environmental programme.