The senior school celebrate World Mental Health Day

Senior School

Monday 10th October was World Mental Health Day and some events took place in the senior school to ensure pupils discussed mental health, understand how to look after it, and realise how important it is to talk about things and get help if they, or a friend/family member are struggling. In form time pupils got the conversation going about aspects of mental health with their peers and form teacher. A wall display was produced with every pupil in Years 7-13 sharing something they are grateful for that helps their mental health. The Student Council joined in the celebrations by giving out fruit juice and cereal bars to their peers in the playground at short break. At lunchtime Ms Michaelides did a special session of yoga for pupils and teachers to promote strategies that help maintain well-being. More than 40 pupils and teachers joined in this relaxation activity! Ms Zarri, our school counsellor, brought Mailo, the well-being dog, to school for the day and popped into classes and the playground to discuss the importance of everyone looking after their mental health. It was great to see so many pupils and teachers talking about mental health.
